
Showing posts from 2020

He Bring's Restoration!!

 Admitting to Failure's, It's Needed, It's a Game changer, Sometimes it may not Feel like it Matter's to Admit our Downfall's at all, I Struggle Constantly with it  Even in our Community, In order to Work, In order to make a Family, Make a living, or just Get By we Need to Admit, When Even the Lord,  Himself  Allowed  so much  limitation on job More then anyone Could Think of I'm Disabled so I'm gonna Speak here to, Power of Admitting for us, Mindset Mindset matter's to, Forgive, Let live, Do what you need to do,     Jesus He didn't give in to any of it,  Jesus was Fast at Forgiveness So I Need to look in me now, Who can I not  Forgive two? Jesus Forgave me,Like I Have to Forgive Him for who he Created me to be,, If you say Lord Forgive me, In all,And any situation's    You Gotta Mean it, That take's us all  a little Deeper and Closer to his Kingdom  I Have had the Hardest time wanting to Admit, and Rea...


 Let's Talk on miscommunication's,Misinformation! When you talk to Someone and it seem's like it's not being understood,  Like they didn't Hear you, Cause they Didn't.. failure to communicate adequately.Ruin's  Fun, Ruin's  Relationship's,Ruin's everyday life, If your Anything like me your be getting in Fight's with Family due to it,,,Sister's Brother's, Mom,Dad and the Smallest Act that tell's you'' Missunderstood''  you wanna make your point Knowen that you've been Misunderstood,   A Misunderstanding, Your Controler comes out  to? You  End up Controling the Fight too, instead of saying, I Was Misunderstood, But it's not Worth it to make my point knowen; We retalliate, We Think of way's to get it to make our point Clear    Was it Worth it!! God didn't Care In fact God died a Painful Death for our  Misunderstanding's!!!! Someone we can alway's come back too. Someone who will alway's unde...

New Horizen''Regreting , Re-Creating Response!!

Before I Write I Wanna say Sorry to All who like me who are Disabled To me Disability was just  a Flaw we have, Just a Mistake,  Just a Failure in God's Handiwork wasn't Anything that Could be Used for Good, But I've had some Hard thinking, Some may  put it Wake up Call's and the only Word that Comes to Mind now is 'Strong, Able,  Strength, Love, Brave,  I Was  one who put Disabled people Down just as those who put me down in High school, I Became one And I Had too see that ugliness in me At 21, 21 year's of that Ugly Mindset, Our Mindset is power to All Reading, The Mind I Believe is where it all Start's Hah, I Don't want that Taking over Anymore,   And I want us all to have that Right mindset. Looking back on my Life I Only Regret How I Responded.  I'm Mild,C-p, Ataxia, Type, Also little Autism is there I Don't Wanna Continue  not being Willing to look at Fact's, I Was Unwilling to look into my Disability's till after I Had ...

speak without FEAR!!!!


No Understanding ,No Calmness, Nothing left to Control, Messy War!!

Right here in this Season Calmness is Everything, Staying Calm,Cool and Colactive but Why in this Season Does it  Feel Harder, More TESTING MORE TRYING.  Here's Where we Learn, When it's Hard, Hot, Heavy,  And Yes, Messy, When Nothing you say Sound's Good. Don't let it Control you, This Season is a, Lack of Understanding Season a Lack of us being Able to Control life, It's a Messy War!! If your a Control Person you Get what I'm saying, The Thing's you Use to Pull off, No Longer Work's, When you use to be Able to Control your Dog going out the Door, And now you Just sit back,let it go, Cause you don't Care and you Don't feel like you have the time to CARE anymore, As you Hold your Little Girl yet she Continues Crying And Fanilly all the Milk spill's Over, And You just don't Feel like Cleaning any of it up. And that's Where we all Need to be to get over this a little Less Focused on Keeping thing's  all Good, It's ok not to...


GOD'S Calling for us to make a move!!!


WIN 20200521 12 12 15 Pro


Two Year Recovery Mark!!!!


Ok not to be ok Perfection died on a cross



So I'm Sure you all are Troubled by How this hasn't Ended yet, And at the Beginning of this Lockdown I was just so not there and now I'm there Feeling everything  all at Once.   It's getting hard just to wanna get up, But  I can say it would be Harder for me if the Starbuck's near me was not Open!! But Thankfully God  knew I NEEDED THAT!!!  As we Approach May, Where it's said to be Re-Opening, Come May, I'd like to Write on something I believe is what we are to get out of this Lesson that's,  Community being so needed, Letting other's know your Appreciative of them, their Work,  Friend, Coworker, Family Member!~! Cause it's about Teamwork,  Keeping Bonded Through all the high's and low's of life and this has Been the Biggest Lesson for every State, Are  we a State Welling to Liston we can go back to how everything was, With our Fancy Car and House, High paying job,  Mainly Focusing on our and our Family's Need's, O...

Easter Sunday!!!

As we Focus on our Safety!! Let's Focus on the one who gave it!!       Jesus sent his disciples ahead into the city to prepare a meal to celebrate Passover. Passover is the remembrance of Israel being freed from slavery to Egypt and specifically when the angel of death passed over the homes of the Israelites that had lambs blood over the doors. As the disciples reclined and ate dinner with Jesus, he explained to them that one of the twelve of them would soon betray him. One by one the disciplines denied that it would be them, including Judas who would be the betrayer. Jesus responded that the person who betrays him will have a terrible fate and that indeed, it was Judas. Jesus prayed and thanked God for the meal. He then broke the bread and shared the wine with the disciples and explained to them how the bread was a symbol of his body, broken for them, and the wine a symbol of his blood which would be poured out for their sins to be forgiven. This is where the...

Conversation Peace Inspired!!

When you can't change the Direction of the Wind Adjust your Sails MAX DEPREE~  From one Control Girl to another (or Dude) Feeling like you Need Control is not from God To be honest the other day, Family Was Fighting and I felt like I was being Some Peace Maker when Really I've taken it on myself to have the Responsibility to End a Fight Taking Control over what you CAN'T EVER Control Lead's to Destruction not Satisfaction! being  A Go- Between is not a Godly thing Being Sold out for God!! Is, Submitting to Him and His Plan's for your  Life  even when you don't like  it, You, Feel like you Deserve more, When Really we Deserve Nothing, God Deserve's it all, Is Worthy  of  it all!! Once we get that, We don't Deserve any of this,  We'll Start To Cultivate a Purposeful Attitude. And we all Need that in life, We all have to,  Choose to Focus on Truth, HIS TRUTH  REGARDLESS  OF OUR WANT'S!!! If we  ...

Growing Communication!!

I'm so bad at Communicating, My Sister's Given me a few Lesson's on having a Good Productive Conversation And Honestly I've felt so Uncomfortable  afterwards. Conversing is just so Uncomfortable it's like Sometimes you Really don't Wanna be stuck in Trying to Connect with people, More so for those   more Introverted it's Ten times more Challenging,  So here's what I've Learned to do Book's on Conversation the, How Do's,Help me So much, Coming from a Introvert sister to Another it's the only thing I've found to really Help! But Really Everyday Daily interaction's Can help so much as Well,  Learning from those you know and those you don't know both near and Far can open one's Mind to bigger and better thing's as, Mary A Kassion  put's it  in her Book,The thing's we Say and do Direct's our life.. To Transform us, Or life, We Have to Start with Transformed Speech One of the Most Rewording thing's we can g...

Disabled, But My Word's will Never be..

To be Honest No!I I Don't like being a advocate for this I don't like how I feel so Strongly for those who are Disabled. I Wish I Could go back to Hidding it But I know that's not how I am to Live, I wish No one was treated like just a Disabled with No Say, It make's me sick knowing that so many are Shut up by Every Nation and not Heard!! AS YOU READ THIS THANK YOU, THIS IS A TIME TO BAND TOGETHER AND ARISE.. John 9:2-7 - And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? We are a Blind People, To Disabled and the Killing of Unborn Exodus 21:22-25 22"If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foo...

Covid 19, Do's An Dont's Learning Curve

I'd Like to Touch Base on this Topic, Cause Anxiety And Worrying in this Season is such a big Deal Panic Buying,Panic  Explaining, Doing everything in a Panic it's  for one not Helping!! We all have Stuff we could Rather be doing during this Season.Places we'd Rather be then staying in and taking care of yourself for the Sake of Other's. Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Talk about what We  can do in this, lock-down!!!  This is just for a Season, So Rest, Do you, But don't Take this Time just  for yourself,but also  other's  Do some Yoga, Read Some  Book's, Then get out, Walk around your Neighborhood and be as help for other's  We're all in this Together, Make someone's Day Brighter. Instead of Focusing on us, We can take the time to Better Focus on other's , I'm alway's about Me,Me, Me. But I Realized, Something This can be a Learning Experience if I Let it, If we let it, We can see  a Difference in us and those Arou...

His Commandment.Our Mission!!

No amount of Voting is gonna change it for the Disabled community, I'm full of Passion to Change  it there, But who's with me in this Society We talk about saving those in other Nations? Saving those in Slavery, While you shut us up? The Rate of those who are Disabled Believing Jesus is Just as Low, We are Preaching Healing, But Jesus Healed Differently when He was alive.. He could touch the Eyes of the Blind Man The Disabled could Reach out and Really  Touch the Hem of His Garment,, Really,,Not by just having to Believe, Because we can't see him, And there's not one Deep,In this Land Face to Face contact,With the Great I AM, He can not Heal how it was then? HE WILL NOT. How dare we Turn HIS Honey into Spice on a Wound, FOR those like me, But cannot Speak what I Can, Forgive me if this is to Deep? I'm not Trying to Get a Grand applause I Don't want those Disabled people, After Me, To live in a World so Cold and Judgmental to them, Who ARE WE, TO NOT ...
People Tell me all the Time  they like my accent. But It's not a accent Lol...  Its called Cerebral Palsy.  So What is Cerebral Palsy Anyway??? Cerebral Palsy is a   disorder of movement, muscle tone or posture that is caused by injury or abnormal development in the immature brain, most often before birth...     I never fully understood this.. Nor did I want to.. Never Really Talked about it.. It was a Part of me I Hated.  And It made me Hate myself, Everyone Around me, And my Life. Most Importantly.. It Made me hold Bitterness Towards God.. And now I understand..  It take's you to understand yourself. before you can understand Other's Most People Would not even ask About anything like this,There afraid to touch it. Its too Personal.. afraid  too have a deeper Conversation then ''Hi how was your day'...Before now I was like that, afraid  too have a deeper Conversation with others, Afraid...
I have 'Redeemed Dreams she shout's as her Ice melts. As she is now icing yet another wound after a Beautiful trip to the mountains' In solitude with God/Friends/Family. Isnt that how God works.   Before she had the Knowledge of a Home without a lot of true Wisdom.and Compassion. time. it take's in Understanding  the Disabled in every Season.  And just how hard it is.  She Reflected. She let it go  on the high place with Him on a Beautiful  mountain  Peak. Near a Gourgues River. Cause  As many have to do. Reflect on who we are. our attitudes, our    Action. Is it pure, Does it come with Sound Judement's as the Bible state's My Freand's Dwell on Whatever is Lovely
 Ok So I'm trying to stop Listening  To Depressing Music Even If Your a little depressed  You don't have to go to  Depressing Music.  I've found  That when you are.  Depressed  If  you Listen to more uplifting Music . It Helps the Way you act alot and you may even feel better When Your Depressed Don't Just Sit There and Think about how awful your Situathen is and Listen   To Depressing  Music . Talk to God!! And Listen to  Music  that doesn't make you feel depressed  Psalm 40:1-2 says  I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm pld  ace to stan

What Limit's a Disabled.

Let's all Band Together, This isn't a Disability with a Lot of Hope!!!!  The more I Live the More, I  find it as a Very Hopeless Disorder there is no Curing for us,,All we can do is Pray for it. Ask for a Change, But There seems to be no End to this 💓 How you find a End, Is within, , WE,,,Are the only Ones who can save us,Our Healing is Within,So let's Change our Focus From what so many think Can be done? In this cold, Unfeeling Society Healing the Disability.the Balence issues ,The Deformed Arms and legs, and mind!! What we need is Simply, acceptence, Not Accepting ourselves what makes us more Disabled,, What makes us more Disabled is us not Accepting us, Us trying to change us Daily, Cause the World Does, So we have Learned to be Stuck there, Let's Face the Truth? Everyone we're around, Wants to see some Great Change Happen,,Thay can't be comfortable around us therefore, Has to try Changing us, And that's the Worst Disability in this World,...