What Limit's a Disabled.

Let's all Band Together, This isn't a Disability with a Lot of Hope!!!!

 The more I Live the More, I  find it as a Very Hopeless Disorder there is no Curing for us,,All we can do is Pray for it.
Ask for a Change, But There seems to be no End to this 💓
How you find a End, Is within, , WE,,,Are the only Ones who can save us,Our Healing is Within,So let's Change our Focus From what so many think Can be done? In this cold, Unfeeling Society
Healing the Disability.the Balence issues,The Deformed Arms and legs, and mind!! What we need is Simply, acceptence, Not Accepting ourselves what makes us more Disabled,, What makes us more Disabled is us not Accepting us, Us trying to change us Daily, Cause the World Does, So we have Learned to be Stuck there, Let's Face the Truth?
Everyone we're around, Wants to see some Great Change Happen,,Thay can't be comfortable around us therefore, Has to try Changing us, And that's the Worst Disability in this World,,The World Teaches us We need Changing, Instead of Showing us we are Perfect the way we are, Leading us to Accepting us for who we Are, Not leading us to a Life spent trying to change Who we are, I've Learned I don't wanna end up, Trying to change Who I am and No, Cerebral palsy, Victim should have to fall to this World's way of Dealing with us.

So let's  stop and think write out 5 thing's we want in life, If one of the thing's Listed is to not be Disabled, Re-Focus is needed, A Change is needed, Every  Church talk's about God Healing us, Even lead's us  into Believing we are Healed of Our Disability.. But more so then Not, We Remain Disabled, Why because We are Children that Showcase HIS Love more then any, Reason Why We Remain this way  is Clear, Why are we Not seeing? Because for many years Disabled is looked at,As Disgusting, As something to make you Uncomfortable, As a Person not Worthy to be Spoken to/With,  limit is only as Limited as We in this World Make  it, Don't Act like we are Invisible, include us, Don't Limit us and Don't you Dare try Changing us,,,,  This World is More Limiting to us then even this Disorder!!

Let all Fight this World's way of Handling us!!! Together We can make the World Better, We Deserve so much more then what we are Given, Not Disabled but Uniquely Abled!!

 @koreaz_cpheadstrong #beyourself


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