Gods Love for us

I Was thanking about giving up on my Poetry today.
Aha I Was in a Giving up Mood Again... I Still Don't know why, Cuz Today was Pretty Much Awesome!!!!!   What it Means to me, to give up on my Poetry, If I did, It Would be Like Giving up on Worshiping God, God, And Who I am, Saying I'm  Done with it all....
selfishness its a Real thing we all have it in us. Who Am I, To say I'm Done.......No
 I Live for you Now!!!!!!!! ''This is My Dedication to you'' This is A poem a wrote Today before I Went to Group!!! My Love for you is Bigger then the Moon. Higher then the sky. Deeper then the Ocean. My Love for you is Everlasting. Though the Pain, And the Sorrow, My Love for you is stronger. Lord your Love is Stronger. You Use me, I Say what you say, Do what you do, Its your will for me, And this is my Love for you.  Even though I Walk in the valley of the Shadow of Death. This is my Love for you, This is my Dedication to you, And I Live for you Now! This is my Dedication  to you......  I Was Thanking tonight  after I Wrote this.... I thought This Was about how much I Love God,  And It is. But More so about how much God Loves us!!!!! John 3;16


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