Growing Communication!!

I'm so bad at Communicating, My Sister's Given me a few Lesson's on having a Good Productive Conversation
And Honestly I've felt so Uncomfortable  afterwards. Conversing is just so Uncomfortable it's like Sometimes you Really don't Wanna be stuck in Trying to Connect with people, More so for those   more Introverted it's Ten times more Challenging,  So here's what I've Learned to do Book's on Conversation the, How Do's,Help me So much, Coming from a Introvert sister to Another it's the only thing I've found to really Help! But Really Everyday Daily interaction's Can help so much as Well,  Learning from those you know and those you don't know both near and Far can open one's Mind to bigger and better thing's as, Mary A Kassion
 put's it  in her Book,The thing's we Say and do Direct's our life.. To Transform us, Or life, We Have to Start with Transformed Speech One of the Most Rewording thing's we can get in life take's a whole lot of time.

First thing's First in order  to better our Communication's  Something I struggle with Daily, We have  to  Truly be interested in what they are talking about, I Start off Many Conversations then quickly  lose Focus!! Looking Forward to in ending. As We are in Lock-down let's Focus on the How's and not Why's! 
 Why it's Happening, Not why this is Helping 
But how do I Grow, in  this Season, How should I Respond to something that Could Become so Painful, Well some of the Biggest life lesson's can be Painful, Not having Creamer for Coffee isn't what I'm Talking about, Though I know the Struggle..

In Order To Grow in Communication  it take's Bonding!!
bonding is The key here! And we gotta take this time   in Lock-down Seriously, Because if we Don't Neil this Down the Season was meaningless let's make it matter!!


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