Conversation Peace Inspired!!

When you can't change the Direction of the Wind
Adjust your Sails MAX DEPREE~

 From one Control Girl to another (or Dude) Feeling like you Need Control is not from God

To be honest the other day, Family Was Fighting and I felt like I was being Some Peace Maker when Really I've taken it on myself to have the Responsibility to End a Fight

Taking Control over what you CAN'T EVER Control Lead's to Destruction not Satisfaction! being  A Go- Between is not a Godly thing
Being Sold out for God!! Is, Submitting to Him and His Plan's for your  Life  even when you don't like  it, You, Feel like you Deserve more, When Really we Deserve Nothing, God Deserve's it all, Is Worthy  of  it all!! Once we get that, We don't Deserve any of this,
 We'll Start
To Cultivate a Purposeful Attitude. And we all Need that in life, We all have to,  Choose to Focus on Truth, HIS TRUTH  REGARDLESS  OF OUR WANT'S!!! If we  Long for a Purposefully Life, We have to Focus on him, NOT US. IT CAN'T BE JUST ABOUT US. In Life, It's Better if you Submit to Him, But also Other's it might be hard and the more you Aim for that,Perhaps it just  get's Harder!! Because who want's to Admit, And Submit. Life is all about that.

Admitting an submitting!!!

Perhaps you think, Ah well yeah Easy for you, You don't have my life,  Well I have Mild Cerebral Palsy, And Some Miner Autism, And My Family didn't Choose to Medicate me, Whatever their Reason Being.

I'm Fully Awake to life and I Have the Choice to say, Even though there's so  Many
--I Want's, But can't ever get!!--  I Have the Ability to Not allow that loss, To cultivate a Attitude of I deserve that, I deserve this--

1. If your Disabled like me, YES!! You Deserve more  Then this life has given you and I Don't know why God has not given us more. Why there's so many Healing Movement's We don't get Healed Completely from, Even though we're there. Asking and Believing as Well as Million Other's!!!!!
Though I stand Firmly on why I believe IT'S LIKE THAT. won't GO THERE... Our Mindset it Power

Cultivate that Mindset. That Christ want's you to have...Admit and Submit! And whoever you are reading this, Disabled or Not you Got this..

Once again any Comment's, I'd Love to Hear from you!! During this Lock-down Let's Band Together,  Your Voice Matter's Hope ya'll Enjoyed, Stay Safe <3 #AdvacateForDisability #AdvacateforLife .


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