
So I'm Sure you all are Troubled by How this hasn't Ended yet, And at the Beginning of this Lockdown I was just so not there and now I'm there Feeling everything  all at Once.  

It's getting hard just to wanna get up, But  I can say it would be Harder for me if the Starbuck's near me was not Open!! But Thankfully God 

knew I NEEDED THAT!!! 
As we Approach May, Where it's said to be Re-Opening, Come May, I'd like to Write on something I believe is what we are to get out of this Lesson that's,  Community being so needed, Letting other's know your Appreciative of them, their Work,  Friend, Coworker, Family Member!~!

Cause it's about Teamwork, 

Keeping Bonded Through all the high's and low's of life and this has Been the Biggest Lesson for every State, Are  we a State Welling to Liston we can go back to how everything was, With our Fancy Car and House, High paying job, 

Mainly Focusing on our and our Family's Need's, Or we can go all out with it, And Really keep to our Bonding over simply Thing's Weather that's a Gamer's zone, Or a Day Dreamer's Zone! Bonding over Coffee or a Simple  Silly Game...We need Community and this has Proven just how much we need Each other!! So I pray that We will take what we've Learned and put it in Action after this is all over!! Be Loving, Show Love for other's Even more so, 

We don't have to wait for a Huge Pandemic for These Thing's too Really Show Other's how much you Care.
To Really Bond.

To Love other's as much as yourself 
There's so much you can get from this, But we have to Allow the Change!!!


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