Easter Sunday!!!

As we Focus on our Safety!! Let's Focus on the one who gave it!!  

  Jesus sent his disciples ahead into the city to prepare a meal to celebrate Passover. Passover is the remembrance of Israel being freed from slavery to Egypt and specifically when the angel of death passed over the homes of the Israelites that had lambs blood over the doors.
As the disciples reclined and ate dinner with Jesus, he explained to them that one of the twelve of them would soon betray him. One by one the disciplines denied that it would be them, including Judas who would be the betrayer. Jesus responded that the person who betrays him will have a terrible fate and that indeed, it was Judas.
Jesus prayed and thanked God for the meal. He then broke the bread and shared the wine with the disciples and explained to them how the bread was a symbol of his body, broken for them, and the wine a symbol of his blood which would be poured out for their sins to be forgiven. This is where the church's tradition of communion comes from.
After the meal, Jesus became like a servant and washed the feet of the disciples. Peter did not feel right having Jesus wash his feet but Jesus said that He was doing it to be an example to them. Now the disciples would be able to wash each other's feet, meaning they could be servants to all. 

WE ARE AS JUDAS... But Jesus has still given us the Gift of Life!! Jesus has never Left us, Gave His life for us
 Judas leaves the supper and goes to the Roman authorities who are looking to arrest Jesus. He accepts a bribe of 30 silver and agrees to take them to Jesus.  Judas knew that Jesus and the disciples would go to a garden near Jerusalem and led the soldiers there, stating "Whoever it is I kiss, he is the one; take him into custody, and lead him away under guard.” Leading the group into the garden, Judas sees Jesus with his disciples and approaches him. “Greetings, Rabbi!” Judas says, and he kisses Jesus very lightly. “Fellow, for what purpose are you present?” Jesus responds. (Matthew 26:49, 50) Answering his own question, Jesus says: “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” 

Let's not be a Juda's Many of has have Fallen Short just as but The Cool thing is Jesus   Take's us regardless , Love's us Regardless, Never Leave's or Forsakes us and Regardless this Season we are in He is working everything out and Pretty Soon we will see a New!!! So  as we Celebrat let's keep this in mind!!!

Happy Easter  you are safe and sound in HIS Arm's...He loves all!!!! Regardless  our sin's..


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