
 Let's Talk on miscommunication's,Misinformation!

When you talk to Someone and it seem's like it's not being understood,  Like they didn't Hear you, Cause they Didn't..failure to communicate adequately.Ruin's  Fun, Ruin's Relationship's,Ruin's everyday life, If your Anything like me your be getting in Fight's with Family due to it,,,Sister's Brother's, Mom,Dad and the Smallest Act that tell's you'' Missunderstood''  you wanna make your point Knowen that you've been Misunderstood,  
A Misunderstanding, Your Controler comes out  to? You  End up Controling the Fight too, instead of saying, I Was Misunderstood, But it's not Worth it to make my point knowen; We retalliate, We Think of way's to get it to make our point Clear

   Was it Worth it!!

God didn't Care In fact God died a Painful Death for our  Misunderstanding's!!!!
Someone we can alway's come back too. Someone who will alway's understand us, When People can't Fully understand were we are coming from. He alway's does, And want's to Understand, To be Honest when I'm just a Little Misunderstood, I Can't let it End,I Need to Open up some Eye's,,,

Only God Can..... So it's not for us to take on, And our Focusing there only Creates us to Act out more so, 
Instead in that Moment we are to Focas on how to get the Tension, Heat, down,Not our Aim understood
God's Aim is the only Aim
Deserving to be Understood
Our's does not Matter! our  Desire to be Fully Understood is only Fulfilled by the Maker of  us,No one Else Need's to Fully Understand, We need to be  Fully Knowing that He will Fully Understand us, And We Don't need other's to Fully Understand us, Once We are Fully Rooted in that we will no Longer need
Other's to Understand our Aim,, We Need to Desire for HIS Aim to be  our  Aim.......

😇😇😇Need to Talk to Someone;; Marybelle96@gmail.com

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