He Bring's Restoration!!

 Admitting to Failure's, It's Needed, It's a Game changer, Sometimes it may not Feel like it Matter's to Admit our Downfall's at all, I Struggle Constantly with it

 Even in our Community, In order to Work, In order to make a Family, Make a living, or just Get By we Need to Admit, When Even the Lord,  Himself  Allowed  so much  limitation on job

More then anyone Could Think of

I'm Disabled so I'm gonna Speak here to, Power of Admitting for us, Mindset Mindset matter's to, Forgive, Let live, Do what you need to do,  

  Jesus He didn't give in to any of it,  Jesus was Fast at Forgiveness

So I Need to look in me now, Who can I not Forgive two? Jesus Forgave me,Like I Have to Forgive Him for who he Created me to be,, If you say Lord Forgive me, In all,And any situation's

  You Gotta Mean it, That take's us all  a little Deeper and Closer to his Kingdom I Have had the Hardest time wanting to Admit, and Really Give it back to Him Then I Did Again, And I'm Really Thankful all it takes is one Prayer, One that will only bring HIS HUMILITY!! We need that to do anything Else in this World,   

He  had  Every Right to, job  

  He gave it all Back up to God, God is Good Enough, Folk's

Understanding why is so vital, ,Life is like  a bunch of puzzle piece's to get it to Fit, We have to Become more like Him, Less like us, The Lord is Good Enough to  take us where we are at and Even Bring us out of a Valley  if I can get Honest here. Yes I Constantly am Fighting it I hurt People, I Wanna befriend (Sisters, Brother's in or out of) The Lord's Will. I'm Always Torn and that is the Worst If I  Have ever Said So myself, Before I Hate it to my Very Core of the Handcrafted Vessel He made,  

   I Just Can not Stand it when a sister or Brother Can't, We all Need Surrender, No, Unwillingness  Without HIS WILL, Thing's get Messy Just Remember Jesus  uses  it!! 

Jesus can take away a Mess, Clean the Mess, And Create a Message, We make up Excuses for People to long. And then it make's us stop in Life a Sec, Or more and we will not Wanna move anymore, For what He is doing, in USA, still and Every other State.


I've Seen it to much in life, We Refuse Him but Right now If you don't Feel this all that is Happening, He want's us to Admit what we can not do, Submit to help, In Humbleness we Come to Him Closer and Closer 

 In admitting, to Him Fully  it's Submitting, God Reward's us with his Peace....  All Hail King Jesus,   Peace out Peep's! 


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