
Showing posts from 2012

Heart of Gratitude and a thankful soul.

    Christmas isn't about the gifts.  It's about the birth of Jesus Christ! Sitting by the fireplace telling stories of long ago, teaching your little ones the true meaning of Christmas! My parents didn't  have much, but they did the best with what they had. Never failing to teach us of our Lord Jesus, Beloved  Savior.   Christmas doesn't come in a box wrapped in pretty paper and bows.  Christmas comes in the shape of a heart, the heart of Jesus! He is.... the true meaning of Christmas. It's the story of the One who gave it give us life. The One who did what no one else could do. The Greatest Gift you'll ever receive,  is the gift of Life! Let us not forget the Baby in the manger, our Lord Jesus, who would soon save us all. The Saviour of the world, Who came on that day for all sinners. He took all our pain, the only sinless Man would soon pay the cost for us all.  Jesus came, Jesus lived, Jesus died, for us. Yeah...

.Fully Surrendered''

The Lord is so good to us and sometimes we take that for granted, thinking we can do whatever we want. God's a merciful God right? We say to ourselves "He'll just forgive us of our sin's." We think " all we have to do is repent." We say " Oh well we can do whatever we want cause at the end of the day all we have to do is repent and our sins are forgiven!" Truth committing that same sin over and over again...we clearly state the lesson is not learned. And our repentance is leading us to distraction because we're not learning from our mistakes. We're not listening to what God says is right and wrong! So that would mean our repentance is just a lie! That repentance was just to make ourselves feel good. God knew that we would sin again... But once again God's a merciful God, full of second chances... And that's not to be taken for granted. Yeah, God will forgive us of our sins. Don't think that our habit of sinn...

A Price Already Paid For....

    You've heard it said, "don't believe everything people say!" There's so many people who will believe in just about anything and everything. How many people buy stuff when it's advertised on TV? Then, you find out it doesn't work the way they said it would. So what do you do? I get my money back, and remind myself to not be so gullible next time.  You know, you can't buy happiness. Most things we want we don't need, but that doesn't really stop us....we keep buying, and usually the thing we forget to pick up is the one thing we really need. So is Christ on the top of your shopping list? You can't buy happiness, but there is something you can buy, and you don't need money for this, the price has already been paid for you. In fact you couldn't even afford it, it's way more then what you deserve. But it's what you need! It's so powerful they couldn't put it in a box, or advertise it on TV. Nothing c...

Love, Here on Earth

Why do we as Christians feel the need to take up Gods job? It's like we think God needs our help or something, in actuality we're the ones who need His help! So, why do we judge others'? Their sin may be different....but in the end God sees it no greater then the sin we do every day. I tell you this: anyone who looks at a woman to satisfy his lust has in fact already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:28).  Adultery is sin ( is it not)! Just because it's not that obvious of a sin, doesn't make it not a sin. And, it's just as wrong as any sin. Sin is sin, in the end, God will judge us fairly and justly.. He is a just God... And He will do justice ! Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye...... Might do us good (if we're going to judge) to judge ourselves before we judge others! Don't get me wrong. To make good judgme...

Made 2 Love!!

Love is everywhere you go. We were made with love, we were made 2 Love. If you think I'm talking about the love you experience with your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, or maybe a pet for some... Yeah! No! not even close to what I'm talking about! And if you're looking to read about the fake stuff with a very happy ending......than this is not for you..... Go watch a Disney princess movie! I'M TALKING ABOUT REAL LIFE! I'm talking about True Love from the One above, love that will last forever! 1. True love, real love..a love that will last forever! 2. God made us to love, not only the things around us. But, we were made to love God! 3. We were made with Creative Hands not just us, but everything around us... Once again.... You were made with Creative Hands, with Loving Hands, made by Love, and made 2 love.. Made 2 Love The ONE Above...... idk about you but this is sounding like a happy ending to me...Ok, so I'm sure you heard it said... Luke...

And then. Love came!!!

                      What is love? Some say it's that feeling you get when you find that special someone..... Well, maybe you're right. Or, maybe love is nothing more then a four letter word.. It's not up to me to decide what love is to you. Of course you can't stop me from is a Person. It is not a thing, not even a feeling. You may not know may be reading this and hearing this for the first time. Or maybe you're like I was, so stubborn that you didn't want to accept the truth. Don't worry... your secret's safe with me. Possibly, you just might believe what I believe now. Good for you...respect your belief... high five yourself:) Love is God,  God is Love..... You get it.. good for you. You just unlocked a whole new world my friend. And once you accept God, you accept the fact that He loves you, for you. And it just keeps getting be...

When we come face to face to Jesus!!

I'm at the point of my life.. Where if someone told me to deny Christ as my Savior, I'd say Christ is and always will be my Savior <3     I believe, we all have to come to that point in life. Christian or not. We all have to make decisions. Decide what's important in life and what's not.  Hold on to what you're holding....or let it go!! The Question is.. Is what your holding, worth it?  Do you need to keep holding on. Or let go?   As a Christian I believe that it is very important to stand for what you believe in. GOD!  So, keep your Faith, Hope, and Love, no matter what, and never let go, for any reason!!!!   For it is better to die to have Christ, then to live without Him..    Have no fear.  Your Savior is here, and He will never let you go my dear.. Even when everything let's you down.  Jesus will never let you down, He'll never let go!! Even if we let go at t...

''Loved in Return''

We love based on feelings and emotions. We need to change why we love.. why not love based on feelings and emotions? Simply because we're humans. We change our feelings and emotions all the time. But God gives us a very good reason to love.. 1 John 4:9–11 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. There's nothing wrong with loving someone. The question is why you love and how you love? If you love based on feelings and emotions, or if you love anyone or anything more then your Father God you're getting nowhere... so love the way God loves. You can't love correctly without the love of your Father. To...

''The key is in God''

People with disabilities. They are still human!!!!!!! Treat them as you would treat anyone else. They don't want people throwing them pity parties, for being who they are. Take the time to understand them. The're not dumb. The're smarter then you think. They feel dumb because so many people make them feel dumb and they soon believe it and hide just how smart they are. And they can tell if you're doing something because you feel sorry for them or not. Believe me I know. I have cerebral palsy!!! And I know other people with disabilities. And I see how people treat them. I know how I used to look at them, how I used to look at myself. Now I know none of that matters.... What matters is how God sees you.... Not how other people see you. How other people see you doesn't matter.. How does God see you and what does God say about you.... Not the world or anybody, or anything in it ... What does God think about you? Thats the only thing that matters. The mo...

The Perfect Connection ♥

He keep's calling his children to the throne. He's saying come home. If you would only answer your phone. You would hear these words. Children come home!!! You are not alone. I am here.... Your Savior, your Protector, your Comforter. ... I am your Abba Father!!! I will never leave or forsake you. My word stands true. In this world you may have tribulation But be of good cheer I have overcome the world.. My children I hold so dear....... answer your phone. So you can have that connection you're searching for. The time is near.... It's time to connect...... Please don't cut me off.... The light your searching for, is Me. The love you need, also Me.. Please don’t fight these hands that are holding you My hands are holding you. And will never let go..... answer your phone!!! And you can have a connection with Me. Your Abba Father.. Guaranteed you will have new life with Me... Just answer your phone!!!

Ask... Seek....Believe And you can be Used!!

 I Don't know about you.. You talk about how your so hardcore and radical..... Its pretty radical What we are doing!!!! A christian's life Is pretty radical. What Lord Jesus Christ did for you on the Cross. Thats pretty radical.. Till you Know him. And what he did for you. And start obeying it. Living by it. You Don't know What radical is.. Your not hardcore Till you Start Living for the Lord.... What your doing.. Literally just wrips a part of  my heart out. And that My Buddy is How Lord Jesus Christ Feels for you. He Love's you so much. He gave his Life. And its our Calling to Give it back. By.  Living by it, obeying it,   Preching it, Sprading it across the nation's... Today is The  National day of Prayer.  Me and my Mom Wen't to The Frist  Baptist Church . Beside us, There were Probably 15 other People. I don't know.. They Had us Going out and Sprading God's Love.  People were going to the Streets, The Businesses, Pr...

Gods Love for us

I Was thanking about giving up on my Poetry today. Aha I Was in a Giving up Mood Again... I Still Don't know why, Cuz Today was Pretty Much Awesome!!!!!   What it Means to me, to give up on my Poetry, If I did, It Would be Like Giving up on Worshiping God, God, And Who I am, Saying I'm  Done with it all.... selfishness its a Real thing we all have it in us. Who Am I, To say I'm Done.......No  I Live for you Now!!!!!!!! ''This is My Dedication to you'' This is A poem a wrote Today before I Went to Group!!! My Love for you is Bigger then the Moon. Higher then the sky. Deeper then the Ocean. My Love for you is Everlasting. Though the Pain, And the Sorrow, My Love for you is stronger. Lord your Love is Stronger. You Use me, I Say what you say, Do what you do, Its your will for me, And this is my Love for you.  Even though I Walk in the valley of the Shadow of Death. This is my Love for you, This is my Dedication to you, And I Live for you...

The story of Easter par t3

After Jesus was crucified, Joseph of Arimathea had Christ's body placed in his own tomb. A large stone covered the entrance and soldiers guarded the sealed tomb. On the third day, a Sunday, several women (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna and Salome   went to the tomb at dawn to anoint the body of Jesus. A violent earthquake took place as an angel from heaven rolled back the stone. The guards shook in fear as the angel, dressed in bright white, sat upon the stone. The angel announced to the women that Jesus who was crucified was no longer in the tomb, "He is risen, just as he said."Romans 1:4-5 And Jesus Christ our Lord was shown to be the Son of God when God powerfully raised him from the dead by means of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name...1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of ou...

The Story of Easter. Part 2

they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots. And sitting down, they kept watch over him there. Above his head they placed the written charge against him: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS Two rebels were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left. Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!” In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him...

The Story of Easter. Part 1

The Jewish high priests and elders of the Sanhedrin accused Jesus of blasphemy, arriving at the decision to put him to death. But first they needed Rome to approve of their death sentence, so Jesus was taken to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor in Judea. Although Pilate found him innocent, unable to find or even contrive a reason to condemn Jesus, he feared the crowds and let them decide Jesus' fate. Stirred by the Jewish chief priests, the crowds declared,"Crucify him!" The Only sinless man Would Soon Pay the Cost for us all. ................He paid the ultimate price. His very life. I've Been Looking for this verse, I'm so Flippin Happy. I Found it!!!!!!! Think God ♥ (John 11:25) “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even if they die." --Jesus ♥ This is the Reason Why we C elebrate Easter (: I'll be Posting More Everyday till Easter, So Keep Reading (:

True, Love Story''

February... The month of Love...... People are usually spending this time searching for a Fairytale, the ''Best Love Story." Yeah, well you'll be searching for awhile if you're searching for it in this world... Prince Charming ain't coming around''. However, there is one Love Story that always stands true. And, that's the fact that Jesus Christ died for you. Romans 5:6-10... You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.   But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  I mean, really who would do such a thing?  He didn't have to,  and we clearly didn't deserve it. But yes!!! It was out of Love that he gave his one and only Son. He was nailed to a Cross and paid the Cost for us all. To Save us from our s...

The Thousands"

    Thousands of people die as we sleep Thousands of people go hungry as we speak How can we think about me, me, me When thousands of people are suffering. How can we be so cruel? When thousands of people are dying in this world Suffering to get food, dying to find food Walking the mile just to walk it back again Trying to find a safe place for her baby girl Innocent and poor, innocent and poor Laying on the floor, skin and bones Nothing more, nothing more Yet...hoping and praying is all that keeps them going Hoping for the best, praying for the rest, praying for the rest Little kids coming home from school To find nothing more than their parents dying on the floor, dying on the floor Getting robbed of what they do have To get nothing but a disease, nothing but a disesse That slowly kills, slowly kills Thousands of people die today Trying to survive the pain Survive the pain Thousands of people die everyday And we slowly fo...

Seeking God's Love

If you keep searching, and searching for boyfriends and girlfriends to make you happy, how will you ever find what God has for you. What God has for you is so much more then you will ever find. Seek for want he wants for you and surely you will find everything he desires to give you.     Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. If you're only searching for love in the flesh you're never gonna find real love.  There's only one true Love, and that's Jesus. Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.   John 3:16  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. His Love is greater and not like any love you will  find in this world. His Love is pure and never fails. It will not change......