And then. Love came!!!

What is love? Some say it's that feeling you get when you find that special someone.....

Well, maybe you're right.
Or, maybe love is nothing more then a four letter word..

It's not up to me to decide what love is to you.

Of course you can't stop me from is a Person.
It is not a thing, not even a feeling.

You may not know may be reading this and hearing this for the first time.
Or maybe you're like I was, so stubborn that you didn't want to accept the truth.

Don't worry... your secret's safe with me.

Possibly, you just might believe what I believe now.

Good for you...respect your belief... high five yourself:)

Love is God,  God is Love.....
You get it.. good for you. You just unlocked a whole new world my friend.

And once you accept God, you accept the fact that He loves you, for you.
And it just keeps getting better. Love is waiting for you.

God gave His Son to die on a Cross for you... And you know what, if you were the only person in this world, He would still do it....

That's how much he loves you..... so accept the truth...... Christ died for you..
Then Love came!!

You can accept the truth in an easy way.
 Just pray the sinners prayer....

Dear Lord, I confess that I am a sinner. Please forgive my sins and accept me as your child. I invite you to be my Savior and the Lord of my life. I surrender myself to you in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord.

His love is like a hurricane
Let it in.......don't be afraid, to feel the wind.. the wind of his love.
The strength of his Almighty Name.
In Jesus, name.....And then Love came!!!!


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