When we come face to face to Jesus!!

I'm at the point of my life..

Where if someone told me to deny Christ as my Savior, I'd say Christ is and always will be my Savior <3  


I believe, we all have to come to that point in life. Christian or not. We all have to make decisions. Decide what's important in life and what's not.  Hold on to what you're holding....or let it go!!

The Question is.. Is what your holding, worth it?  Do you need to keep holding on. Or let go?


As a Christian I believe that it is very important to stand for what you believe in. GOD! 

So, keep your Faith, Hope, and Love, no matter what, and never let go, for any reason!!!!


For it is better to die to have Christ, then to live without Him.. 


Have no fear.  Your Savior is here, and He will never let you go my dear.. Even when everything let's you down.  Jesus will never let you down, He'll never let go!! Even if we let go at times, He never does!!



 So keep holding on to Him, and let go of whatever you're holding on to, that's really not worth it.

 Because in the end, we'll  come face to face with Jesus, and He'll ask us.


                               Why should I let you into My kingdom??

                                                         Matthew 7:21

"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord", will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter <3 


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