.Fully Surrendered''

The Lord is so good to us and sometimes we take that for granted, thinking we can do whatever we want. God's a merciful God right?
We say to ourselves "He'll just forgive us of our sin's."
We think " all we have to do is repent." We say " Oh well we can do whatever we want cause at the end of the day all we have to do is repent and our sins are forgiven!"
Truth is...by committing that same sin over and over again...we clearly state the lesson is not learned. And our repentance is leading us to distraction because we're not learning from our mistakes.
We're not listening to what God says is right and wrong! So that would mean our repentance is just a lie! That repentance was just to make ourselves feel good.
God knew that we would sin again...
But once again God's a merciful God, full of second chances...
And that's not to be taken for granted. Yeah, God will forgive us of our sins.
Don't think that our habit of sinning over and over again, won't lead us to the wrong path, cause it will, may even lead us to hell if we keep it up... and God doesn't want that for anyone!
His love for us is unending. He wants us to spend eternity with Him. He calls us to be his bride, and clothes us in white.
His love unites us and binds us to Him. He's waiting for us to make that one last repent, of fully surrendering ourselves to Him.
All it takes is surrendering to Him, to keep us from sinning. Cause without Him, sin captivates us...
God wants to captivate us with His love that never ends, and yeah sometimes you'll still sin but you wont make it a lifestyle.
God's arms are holding you. So don't just repent of your sin's and do it all over again. Fully surrender yourself to the Lord.. .


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