Not of the world!! Still in it.

Not of the world!! Still in it.

People who say thay Once died, again and again, Well I can see through your lie's, Thier wearing thin, Making
God look like some Gipsy,
Like a genie in a bottle But my God, He Walked on water!! This is a once in a million time thing ,But you preach it like it happends every day, You Take the Miracle away.. Well it Breaks, Baby It
God is not a preformer of our Comfort, Like it would Bring you Comfort to say your, Wish is his Command, But he commanded the Seas,
And that took it out of your hand!! Took it out of our Control!!!
The way your going, The choice you've taken, The Gospel your Remaking, Making it sound normel, Like my God, He does this all the time, But you’ve crossed the line, This is divine, Fine art, Fine china, Man, He doesn’t do it all the time, But does it at the
It’s not just a title, It’s on the Hands of our Holy God, It’s not some Recital, But it’s Found in the Bible, And there is only One Word of God..
Son it comes in proper time!!
 Like saying the sun don't rise tell 6;00 PM? Well mine rises in the Morning, WAY BEFORE Where I can hear the Bird’s Chirping to the Psalms as I sing along, My Thanks goes on, Cause He’s not a MAN OF TODAY He’s the Man for this day, The only Man We Truly NEED, The one we Seek. The KING OF KINGS........

And You pray for me like I'm living in sin? You pray for me like, I'm a Baby Christian,
Like I’m not living in the Word and I repent, and repent, For the things you say i’ve comitted but you don’t know me, Don’t even know the Bible if you act like it’s some Recital?
, He did it unto Death, Not a Million times, Cause then it wouldn’t be devine or Special, Everything he is, Is Special, and Devine.
Part of that Bible you Preach like it's Unwritten?? Like it's English not History It's not a Mistory HE'S A MISTORY!!! He broke out of the bottle you put him in, Then you put him in a box, My Gods a Mistory, The Bible, EVERY WORD IN IT IS TRUE, The words are the same, He's Love REMAINS This isn’t 24/7, We're not in Heaven we are made to bring Heaven on earth but we're doing it all wrong,
Saying all the wrong words!!
God is not of this World, We’re Not of this world, Still in the World, How can we Reach those on EARTH If we live as if Heaven is THE WORLD WE LIVE!!


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