''Worldly love''

I'll I want is the Bible, Not your Act's of Pride and recital's of Lie's, Not the hate Not the lack of Love We have because we still don't Understand,
That He gave his Blood, Not so we could boast, But be filled with the ''Holy ghost, Because He's who we Host, Not our own, Not what we want, Not what we deem should
be happing, Friend's He deemed everything, We can't deem if we do we Demean, Disgrace, Lower and hate, He is in us all, And who are we to call out, Those who are not in Disobedience. Who are we to judge, God say's come as we are and fall, Under his Law, Not ours not what we think, That is Outlawed by The Kingdom of God'' Because that's not our place,
 As Daughters and Sons, That isn't going to help "Heaven come" That isn't helping, Thy Kingdom, Thy will be done, If we lack Love, We Lack the Kingdom Fill us with Grace, Because we have Missed again, These Din's are hiding thing's in, And we can't see, We point finger's still, and call out

their Sin, But we're living in something that lead's us to hell, So fall on your Knee's, Repentance is Near, He doesn't care how we feel, or when we Fail, He doesn't hold on to " What you did " He doesn't hold you to it, But we know how to keep
people to it, Make them feel, They are in sin, And they keep falling in, When their not, We know how to do it, But do we know
how to get caught, Do we know how to come Clean, The Bible say's, Love is free, We can't Price it, Or hide it, It's bigger then Us, Love isn't, Us Love
is Jesus dying on a Cross, Bleeding, Blood I couldn't give, Because I am a hypocrite, I know I am but don't admit it, We don't look at what we are doing, We are using, Killing, prosecuting, What we sat aside for His kingdom, While we refuse to let ours fall
We don't see, We are giving the World Control, We are stuck in Loving the World, Success AND career,
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.....
..It’s a Worldly Love we’re in....


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