Flock. And Sheep

I need something more
There's Gotta be something more,Then a closed Door, Four walls, People that don't move, Don't Speak, These door's are not opened but on hold,

 Due to a World so unlike Christ i can not Write, Speak, I am a Silent TV, black and white show's, Don't tell me they know, or understand it's black and white in this town, land,,,Cause i'm aware i live still, I'm alive, it's Cradit or die.. ,

 at least, I'm just saying, Speaking life, Cause we are afraid constantly Too Admit, Hidding from Reailty, And what we can give, Cause we take so much pride in ourself, And how we live, Shame on me, Shame on You,

, Turn off the TV, So long sweet life,
 Let's Fight for something Worth Fighting,
 A Silent Generation .

Worth dying for,,To Break something and Awaken A dead River within, We are not living as we could be. Tell we Love everyone Completely

we need more, we need Unity not a World that send's Siver's down Sipn's, As you walk, as if you have Nine life's, I'm just Being Honest i walk and i feel Kniffe's every day, i walk, stop,and think why is this life so..plan. black and White, We hold Ship's, Preach on it, We are nothing but black and white People, We have Demon's, Even the good one's, can't see them.
Everything is Still, Still and Silent
The phone is Silent
Groups of People, Silent

Our Teaching of Love Silent. . Chances after chance, We repeat a Dance, We wake up just enough to go back down
Cause we are weak, We are in need,, We are chances getting away cause we are too afraid to, Unmotivated. Speak up, I don't care, We Love us

, We open up, Then shut up, We are a box that is Shut, the light's are dime, And no one can get in, We are Closed and not Open
We are Black and White Sheep's, That can't see Black
We are ColorBlind, We Preach but we don't Preach that,

We have a Flock, But all we want is me...


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