So I'm Sure you all are Troubled by How this hasn't Ended yet, And at the Beginning of this Lockdown I was just so not there and now I'm there Feeling everything all at Once. It's getting hard just to wanna get up, But I can say it would be Harder for me if the Starbuck's near me was not Open!! But Thankfully God knew I NEEDED THAT!!! As we Approach May, Where it's said to be Re-Opening, Come May, I'd like to Write on something I believe is what we are to get out of this Lesson that's, Community being so needed, Letting other's know your Appreciative of them, their Work, Friend, Coworker, Family Member!~! Cause it's about Teamwork, Keeping Bonded Through all the high's and low's of life and this has Been the Biggest Lesson for every State, Are we a State Welling to Liston we can go back to how everything was, With our Fancy Car and House, High paying job, Mainly Focusing on our and our Family's Need's, O...