''Codependency. Phase 4/5 Hide your Pride.They pray off of it like a game of(Twister)

 If you can talk about your ''Codependency' with the  partner of Relationship, do it but be mindful a Codependent partner might respond in a way to get a Raise out of you and toy with your Emotion's..or make you think otherwise or that you just Misunderstood...,  a Codependent Friendship is the same it's like a Game of Twister,  on both, You can feel as if it's all fun in games, But  if Tear's fill your eye's, and in your mind,  The Conversation make's you Confused as hell.  For them it's a play your  in/ their play.. 
simply act the part..

In our Interacting with Codependent partner, We  put on a act for  them, we fear losing them. So we don't speak up/Nor call them out, We Fear their Rejection and push away from honesty with them on subject, If your Reading  your probably  in it/ Twisting in Conversasion in acton as well.. it all get's Aimed on you.Cause they know your Dependend on them. As a Women is to be United to a Man, We overlook the Man's Action's in it.

We take the part cause we care, As in a Game of Twister you all have to make a move, It might be hard, But in a  Realatoinship/Friendship it take's both. 
  We  support and enable it all,

!!!!Blossom, How to heal a Codependent relationship !!!!
as i said in phase 2 and 3 time away is  needed, 

1. look  at you, not them look at your Acton's With them,  Let them Talk it out with you, And Change your way's if they want to save the Realationship they will change as will/ they might not know, If so then you need to open it up with them/ Everyone is diffrent.and Deal's in there own way.

2. Be Depended on God, God is our only Hope, we  can depent on him..people 
 fail us, It's up to us to change our Focus.

3.  Pray about it, Surrender the Friendship/Realationship to him fully, Don't take in more then your meant to handle
know your limet/ Set Boundras/ Take to other's . Get  Counseled  if there is no end. to it by talking it out
There's a way so don't not do what you can't handle, Reach out. and let a new Blossem.


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