Hugger, View

I'm going to talk about hugs, Cause I enjoy hugging and I have lot's to say about hugging? Save your laughter!

There is a saying called, Pro-hugger and pro-cuddler. I'm thinking the same thing you are. who's odd enough to come up with such a silly thing? Can't anyone be a pro at hugging.

Touch, isn't something everyone cares for... Hugging doesn't  come easy for some people,, But it's an Act of love when you do it..
holding someone and them holding you back.  And someone holding you when you can't hold...   It's uplifting  the Spirit and soul.. Mind and body. When two unite and make that connection. 

 It's something larger then life, yet very small!!!

  I suddenly remember being very little and being embraced by my father. I would try to put my arms around my father's waist, hug him back. I could never reach the whole way around the equator of his body; he was that much larger than life. Then one day, I could do it. I held him, instead of him holding me, and all I wanted at that moment was to have it back the other way.”   

It's warm, and open, It's a small way to show you care, And sometimes it speaks louder then words...

 Things like a simple hug can actually be pretty powerful. We often feel its inappropriate to give the same sex, a full on Hug , but not all guys find it as a problem nor do all girl's?  

 know what I say,

No, It doesn't really matter, And here's why?

It’s such a simple but powerful form of human touch.
There are so many benefits of hugging. Let me outline the 3 most important reasons you should hug anyone and everyone in countdown order.

3)   Hugging Reduces Illness

I don't know about you, But many times I've hugged someone, And just felt like crying all the sudden??

Hugging is one of the best methods of easing depression. Not only that, it reduces the risk of heart disease, relieves stress and can make you feel calmer.
Studies have shown that hugging can lead to lower blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart disease. When we hug someone, a hormone called oxytocin is released (otherwise known as the ‘love hormone’!). This helps to reduce stress and makes us feel calmer.
Ultimately, if you’re feeling down, stressed or anxious,

go give someone a hug and feel the instant change in your mood!!!

2)   Hugging Deepens Your Relationships

When you think of people who have hugged you, how do you feel about them?
I’m sure you feel pretty good!
Hugging releases a suite of hormones including oxytocin (as above), serotonin, and dopamine that lead to feelings of happiness and love. What else do you need to feel good when all you need to do is simply hug someone?

Not only do you make yourself feel good, but also you are making the other person release all the same hormones of happiness.
Hugging builds trust and can deepen your relationship. It shows that you care and it provides comfort for the other person

1)    Hugging Can Change the World

A hug could be the exact thing that someone needs right now. Without even knowing it, you could be changing the life of that person.
They may have had the worst day possible, and you have been the angel that lights up their day (:

Did i say anyone, and everyone??
 Well. yeah.. not saying go around hugging everyone who doesn't seem like, The hugging type, Yeah,. There's  a type, Those you, give side hugs.

A ordinary hug can be considered too intimate for the situation, So don't go crazy with hugging, people, Understand the place, moment, time, may not be Appropriate to hug. 

There is a time to really Hug?

So I've been told it's unloving to give a guy a full on hug?? and I'm wondering how they give full on hugs ?

Is it just a  second , Hi and bye hug. or a  2 to 3 minute hug..

Do you press your Body against them? no, then don't worry.

Hugging is not always pressing body, against body...  A full on hug can be super, slight, as small as you make it...

If you hug, with a overbearing, weightiness in your hug,,

It has a lot to do with 'How we Hug'   And ' Who we hug!!

There are bear hugs, Then just hugs, and side hugs.
We are  all Created differently there for there are different, Things we're comfortable with. 

Enough on hugging, though I hope you get what I'm saying(:  And I would Love to know your View on the subject... Comment, your input!



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