Can you Look beyound the word ''Sex''?

 A lot of people have asked

''Can you Best friend a dude' or girl..' before you start reading more. . 
Yes. Believe it or not we can, Disagree if you must!! 

We see it as,  Opposite Genders can't work in the Best Friend  zone.  I Hear it so  often . That I feel wrong for, putting, a guy in the  Best Friend  zone..
And for you guy's, Who have a Best Friend who's a Girl. Dare I Say it Don't feel  like your doing anything Wrong, by having a Best friend who is the Opposite Gender.  

 Note Let the hater's Hate. and the Gossiper's gossip

 Let's just get to it, Yes, It's true!! The only thing keeping us so afraid to ' Best friend the opposite sex, Is sex itself!!

We're  afraid to get to close to the Opposite sex/ we might mess up.  Well our  thinking in this World shouldn't be like that?

We no longer can. Just Friend the Opposite Gender Easily cause we've been told   Friending the Opposite Gender is only for one thing ( Finding your soulmate )  And that isn't the way God wanted it!   We've taken it so far where no longer can a Friendship between the Opposite


Be just a friendship?? For those who are Single. We're looked at  if we talk to the

Opposite sex,  we must be wanting more?? It's sad, Teen's can't even talk  to  the  Opposite Gender  without expecting.

That's what we're made for Right?  Looking for that  one person, Who cares.
Finally settling down!!

 the bible say's. 
 There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28.

Really this is what our generation,  need's to see on those  bulletins, Not some adds for Porn that not only make  it Uncomfortable for kids and teens to enter act world wide!  But is by far,  one of  the most

Things would be a lot different if porn was not posted everywhere. Take it or leave it

. What we see effects us, Effects our Relationships.

What  we see changes our mind about things...We're told we shouldn't, Cause we can't look beyond sex?
in this world!!

We can't look beyond what the World tell's us, What it sells us..      It has to be more,
In our mind, Or end up as ,more.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will
Romans 12:2

We've been conform to the worlds thinking, Not Gods, Gods not saying we can't?

We need to be careful when talking about the matter, and use Wisdom whan talking about it.  It can be  a very religious way of thinking, At the same time a very worldly way of thinking!


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