
Showing posts from 2019

What the Heart Want's, And the mind of Arrogant's

I Had to sit down and Write about it, Knowing if I don't  it's FB. Complaining Season, I'm sure a lot of us do that. When we see no-one   want's to Hear us Complain  24/7 it's fine for a Season. But Season's Change, So I  think that Ship has Sailed!!      I have a New Year's Fight in me, To Continue my Writing even while, I'm not  sure what do   anymore, a Fight to Continue living We all have to Decide What Mood we are gonna go with or we will  Ruin who we are. I recently Came to Realizing I was up against something  my Heart Wanted but my Mind didn't want  .… And so here I am Writing it out, And I Challenge  those Reading this, If your going through something write it out, Blog's are Good, Journals, or just a Coffee Date with a Friend, Even better!!  BE  HONEST  WITH WHO YOU ARE. No one else can we Change,  But us. And sometimes we have to not Listen to our Mind for once.  I was Once a Gi...
I Don’t need People, I need the Ability to be Free!! Can’t you see Chain’s  holding me down? Still you Ask why? I’m in such a Mood, Why sometimes all I can be Is rude. To Simply  see someone Different is a Ability you we Lack at times, So forgive me when I Fight back!! Talk back, I’m sorry I don’t shut up in a World where, With People like us we are made to Shut up...… I have Ability to Speak up so I'll use it, Living in a World where you know, All it is for People like you, Is to say nothing at  all!! Dare I Say, It’s a Crime, Where it’s because we don’t have the time,I’ll Step on Toes here’ I’ll Cross the Lines, No OH, No ,I hope it’s  Fine I only Speak, What will make some Think,  I came from a Family of 8, And for  me to be  Medicated would have been the Normal thing to do, With  all my yelling and Storming throughout Streets

Point all lthe Lights on Him!!!

Be to Blessed today,To Pretend to be better than anyone!!!!. In the End, We are all  just a Nobody so Decide to Actually be Someone today, Someone Saved By Grace, Who doesn't want the Spotlight but points all lights on Him!!!     We can Preach on being Christ like, But are we being as Christ like as we Could be? I've seen in more then just a few Churches, It is all about the ' Spotlight' more then we Wanna Admit, I Wanna point all Our Light's on  him not on our Position in Church, Not on how many Follower's we have on Media, Not on what we do in Life, Nothing we do in this life matter's, How much we put our Love on God, Is all  that matter's!! And people stop going to a Church   when  it's all about Our    Position in the Church,,  Cause not everyone can be the top Dog,  not everyone can get the  Position and here's what we're missing, We are Failing when we  Boast about what we are doing in a Church!! Cause...
I NOW SAY SUPPORT ME DAILY!!!!! We've all had Dreams before, But whatever Dream I had in the past is inside the Door I'm stuck knocking at, And I want nothing more cause though it's just a door,it opens and holds my World, You see me here, But only from your View,She Screams Bullet proof, As she walks inwardly yet still Fears falling in a Dark hole all it is is Black she hates Black it reminds her of her past, But she's not staying there, The people around just don't see like she does, If I admitted I always Feared, Was always Depressed trying to impress them All my high school year's I spent there and the Mockery only brought me Closer in, Even though you could see it Wearing on my Skin and Bones I simply Didn't care, I was Depressed and in fact Fell in Love with it, At a young Age I figured Why should I Change Change Meant I needed it, And I don't need anything in my own little world it's all under my Control or though I had Thought, Really I lost ...

''More then Five Feet Apart''Live' un limitless

I was on looking into my Disability since I didn't look at it most of my Teenage days, So   I Created a support group  online, for understanding more and connecting with those more like me, little did I know I'd be learning just how easy online dating can be done even five Million feet apart,and just on a FB PM, While not understanding the switch, nor Guidelines of Creating a online support group, I Ended up in countless hour's with someone five million feet apart.  3. Top guidelines of Creating a Support Group online,    1. P ersistence in posting, With  Encouragement and uplifting, be kind. 2, Safety in Connection and Communicating. 3. knowing your   proficy setting's,  And Resetting it as often as something seems Un-correct.  It's very important to understand Limits, and not live limitless' Limit's of the online world, Limit's of  how far to go in a Relationship, or just telling the one you li...