''More then Five Feet Apart''Live' un limitless

I was on looking into my Disability since I didn't look at it most of my Teenage days, So  I Created a support group  online, for understanding more and connecting with those more like me, little did I know I'd be learning just how easy online dating can be done even five Million feet apart,and just on a FB PM, While not understanding the switch, nor Guidelines of Creating a online support group, I Ended up in countless hour's with someone five million feet apart. 

3. Top guidelines of Creating a Support Group online,  
1. Persistence in posting, With Encouragement and uplifting, be kind.
2,Safety in Connection and Communicating.
3. knowing your   proficy setting's,  And Resetting it as often as something seems Un-correct. 

It's very important to understand Limits, and not live limitless' Limit's of the online world, Limit's of  how far to go in a Relationship, or just telling the one you like, You like them,  
There's a whole chapter in our lives of a book of guidelines and limit's in order for us to set Boundaries it's easy to think we're alone and the only ones who can't set good Boundaries weather it's  in a Group setting,  in conversation, 

 or in the job world, I think I Speak for many when I say connecting isn't easy,   And At times it's just a giant mess!!   We fall short of Boundaries a lot more then we think at times,,,,,,,,,,, A line that marks the limits of an area; that we wholeheartedly need...I was just awoken once again to how much I Need to learn of how to put that line up, how to create Boundaries in life- with -one another because I failed to do that with the Beginning of a Friendship I was blocked on all forms of connection,with them, What seemed like 
the Beginning of a Friendship was another sign of me needing to grow up,  Everything in life has a lesson to be Learned not always is the  lesson  easy to learn or fun
but it's how we Grow,


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