What the Heart Want's, And the mind of Arrogant's

I Had to sit down and Write about it, Knowing if I don't  it's FB. Complaining Season, I'm sure a lot of us do that. When we see no-one   want's to Hear us Complain  24/7 it's fine for a Season. But Season's Change, So I  think that Ship has Sailed!!

     I have a New Year's Fight in me, To Continue my Writing even while, I'm not  sure what do   anymore, a Fight to Continue living

We all have to Decide What Mood we are gonna go with or we will  Ruin who we are.
I recently Came to Realizing I was up against something  my Heart Wanted but my Mind didn't want  .… And so here I am Writing it out, And I Challenge
 those Reading this, If your going through something write it out, Blog's are Good, Journals, or just a Coffee Date with a Friend, Even better!! 
BE  HONEST  WITH WHO YOU ARE. No one else can we Change, 

But us. And sometimes we have to not Listen to our Mind for once.  I was Once a Girl who Toyed with this Friend's Mind. I didn't see it nor did I care, The Girl's who Bullied me in Highschool I was Becoming,  The Mind is a Funny Place, And it often comes up against us, And we so often Follow it, Let's all Admit for a Few, We don't Follow our Heart as Often as we think and that what's Ruining us, We walk around so out of it. We can't  even see so Ask the Lord if that's you at the Moment needing to Follow what your Heart want's, And  to shut your Mind up... 

Cause the Mind can't always get what it want's!! Enjoy  your  Weekend Hope you Liked my  Word's, C-p Headstrong Admin, Writer And Spoken Word doer!!! (:


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