I Don’t need People, I need the Ability to be Free!!
Can’t you see Chain’s  holding me down? Still you Ask why?
I’m in such a Mood, Why sometimes all I can be Is rude.
To Simply  see someone Different is a Ability you we Lack at times, So forgive me when I
Fight back!! Talk back, I’m sorry I don’t shut up in a World where, With People like us we are made to Shut up...… I have Ability to Speak up
so I'll use it, Living in a World where you know, All it is for People like you, Is to say nothing at  all!!
Dare I Say, It’s a Crime, Where it’s because we don’t have the time,I’ll Step on Toes here’ I’ll Cross the Lines, No OH, No ,I hope it’s  Fine I only Speak, What will make some Think,  I came from a Family of 8, And for  me to be  Medicated would have been the Normal thing to do, With  all my yelling and Storming throughout Streets


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