Into Our Secret place''

You ever have that one moment everything seems to black out can't find the light but you know everything is going too be ok...

That's our Secret place''  with the lord, It isn't always light,,  Every moment is not Joyful. We are made to be

able to live on the Mountaintop, But in the Valley as well!  Yes I believe in being on the Mountaintop with Jesus,

Singing and dancing ( Having a  burning bush experience ) Ok, But not every  experience  we have with the ( Father, son, And Holy Spirit) Is going to feel Good,

(Not in every moment, Is it all  fun, and games) And put's  us on a  Spiritual high.

 A lot of Things God call's us to do. We don't want to, It's uncomfortable, And its ok to admit that. in-fact its Healthy. Its even healthy to go through the valley ( It's necessary too. We can't only live on the Mountaintop?

In the Secret place with God he will take us to the mountaintop and the valley!!

We can not cover up, Reality with Spirituality!!

God doesn't want us to stop living, our life, He wants us to live our life for him. But not to cover up our Reality with Spirituality. That  Is using Spirituality wrong..

 Jesus  came across many people with, illnesses, diseases. He didn't look at them and say you  don't have anything, Your not sick. That's not there. Just believe you don't have it man..

He extended his hand, Toughed them, and. Healed them.

He admitted that there was  a need, And took care of that need not Denying it was there

We are not in heaven yet!!

If Heaven was on Earth, Heaven would be hell! 

We are here too Bring Heaven on Earth. Yes, With the Awareness we are on earth,  And Heaven is not here. Jesus is were Heaven is, And if Jesus is not here? How can it be Heaven?

it can't!!

Jesus is coming soon....!! And our job is to Ready our Brother and sisters for that Glorious day. No one knows the day or time of the lord's coming.  We must prepare on the  Mountaintop, and Valley.

  The Mountain   Top Experience gives us a Glimpse of what Heaven is like, Who Jesus is, and it Refresh's us, Connects us on a deeper level. 

And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them.   Mark 9;2-3

Jesus takes his inner circle

to a mountain with him and they experience a “God thing”; something unlike anything they had ever seen. Most of us have had a similar experience, maybe not as intense, but a “mountain top” experience nonetheless. It may have been while worshipping at youth camp, a prayer meeting, or maybe even during a normal day. A time when suddenly God moved in a way you had never experienced. What did you do with it when it was over?

Some attempt to relive the same experience everywhere they go. Life doesn’t seem right if one of those experiences isn’t right around the corner. They began looking for an experience instead of living their life for Jesus.

Peter wanted to do just this  he wanted to make a memorial to what happened on the mountain so they could come to it and relive the event. But Jesus didn’t allow him to, and he brought them all back down the mountain, telling them not to mention this until he was risen from the dead

What a drag, right? You see this awesome thing, you want to keep reliving it over again and again and Jesus says, “Oh yeah, by the way, don’t mention this to anyone until I have risen again.” The disciples didn’t understand this but Jesus knew what he was doing.

The  mountain top  gives us the tools we need to navigate those Valleys in our Life's.

See?  Jesus gave them the mountain top to aid them through the dark valley when he would be taken away and murdered. He graciously gives us these experiences so we are able to navigate through the  valley..

 In to the Secret place''

 Our Secret place is our time with Jesus Christ, It Prepares us for the  Mountaintop and the Valley. It is so Important that we get that time with our Lord,  in our life

For You have been a refuge for me, A tower of strength against the enemy. Psalms 61;3

It gives us Strength,  In our every day life.  Apart from Christ we can do nothing..

You hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues Psalms 31;20

Wait on God, in your Secret place''

Listen carefully to the Song None But Jesus - Hillsong united. Be Blessed!!!


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