Does god judge your tithe.

I've never tithed. 

  So I come from a church that tells us we're roping from God if we don't?

I Started cleaning my sister's house, to make some income, and yes, Tithe. As you can imagine the feeling  it gave me to think. Is this much, good enough? Am i roping God still.

( Note, You are  not Roping from God by not giving to a church??)

By making  it a rule to give. We defeat the purpose of giving.

  2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or (Under compulsion) for God loves a cheerful giver.

the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint: "the payment was made under compulsion. By making it a rule, We are forcing it....    We have  made it a law. Where It's not a law.

Yes!!! Give, Give, then Give some more.. Cheerfully!!!

God want's us, More then what's in our wallet, We are Worth more then money
You Should never have the feeling of being judged by what you give. God doesn't want our money, But our time.

Its not about what we give God, But what  we do for God.

Do we give God our time. Do we turn other's to him. Do we feed the lost, Heal the sick.
What to we  do for him, Cause if we give our money to the church, But don't feed the lost, Heal the sick. Really reach out with both hand's and not one behind our back.. If we to not do that Our giving means nothing. It just keeps us "satisfied thinking we're doing Good??
Yeah, I'm Good,,
I'm Great. I just put in my 10% Gods really happy with me!
I don't need to heal that sick person over there. Me and God, We're already tight..

God said this!! 
Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received;
freely give!!
Freely given tithe.  Is what the Bible points at. The bible doesn't say anything about a 10 % tithe, Is a lie.
Freely Given, Its not making a living, Its breathing life into those who don't have Christ. It's stepping out even when full of doubt, And raising up the dead to life!!!
Your time, Is your tithe!!!
What if it was never about our money? What if it was always about the time we give to God?
what if we're believing the God of this World. What if we are making God out to be this Money hungry person (Wait, We are)
But God isn't like that, And really we shouldn't be making him out to be.. God is after our Heart, Not our money folks!!! If you have money, Giving is a  Great thing!! But that is not what God wants from you, Your money is not what he seeks high above everything else..  He wants your Heart, your time, He want's you.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered, So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows!!
Matthew 10:31

God sees you as worth more then Sparrows.  That alone says, Why would God be seeking your money, why would a man who knew us before he himself Created us, be seeking our income??

It doesn't add up. But  this does. God wants us, God wants our time, He is after our Heart!!

And that is the True meaning of the tithe.. My Friends!!


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