The Supernatural!! Standing your Ground.

 We were Made to rule!!
Genesis 1;26-28
God Created man in his own image and told him to rule. He  gave him dominion over the Earth!

He gave Authority and power, to us. His Children
So we can stand our  Ground, Against the Powers of Darkness.

. So why  aren't we??

We've become a nation that say's I can't, instead of I can, We've become a nation that doubts who we are,
We doubt what we Believe, Because we do not Believe in ourselves.
We do not believe in  ourselves because we fear, We fear failure. 

This Generation is more about Succeeding then believing.
 We do not Believe, But we push ourselves to Succeed.

When God say's come to me,  and I will make you Fishers of men.
Come, To me and you will Succeed.  

We come to him in lack, and  unbelieving, Trying to succeed what's already been succeeded!!

Just by us coming to him, Is success ( We're already Succeeding)

So yes we can,,  Cause Greater is he who is in us, Then he who is in the World..  We have already been given the tools to do what Christ has called us to do!!

All we have to do, is do it!!!!

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you Luke 10:19
 "For all the promises of God in him are yes, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." [2Cor:1:20]
You Have Authority & Power:Did you know that regardless of what others say and do, you have the spiritual authority to rise above their actions and words! [Job 22:28]

As a matter of fact - not even the devil himself can resist or thwart the plans of a child of God when he or she
uses the authority that God has placed in their hands! [Luke 10:19 • Mt:16:19]


Releasing Your Faith:
Your faith can change your world! But no matter how great your faith is - you must first
release your faith if it is going to change the circumstances that are affecting you negatively. God has not only given you dominion over your life (the power and the authority to govern and control) - but He has also commissioned you to subdue (to bring low and utterly defeat) those things that are not in agreement with His will for you [Genesis 1:26-28]

God made you and I in His 'likeness' (just like Him) and 'image' and He gave
us the same ability to change things that He has by using the most powerful force in the known universe: FAITH! (The absolute trust and confidence in God's Word).

 Read Genesis Chapter 1 and Heb:11:3 carefully and notice how God created everything that exists.

How did He do it? He
SPOKE it - and BELIEVED that His WORDS had the power to change things from what they were (nothing) to what He wanted (Light - The Heavens and The Earth - The Oceans - Life - Mankind - Etc)

Mark 11:22-23 exhorts us to have that
same KIND of Faith: The kind that God has: In other words, believe that our WORDS can - and will - bring forth the changes we want in our life and bring circumstances into line with the will of God for our life - our country - 

And by this, We stand our Ground, The Devil has  to Flee, By this we take up the Authority Christ gave us and the Power of his Blood!!!!

We take dominion over the Land.!!!  Knowing we can do it...We Succeed cause it is Christ in us the hope of Glory!!


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