!!Fashion week, Blog !!

I've been told to do something on Fashion!!! So here's what i came up  with. 

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4;13 

I am melting within by Gods goodness.  First off,  I Have a  lot of pule pink in this outfit, It kinda  Symbolizes my Childhood, One of the first Family photos we took, Are in pule pick, I've always liked the color and I don't know, It kinda has a healing effect on me!!

It goes with my complexion,It's soft, and not to bold!

 Don't get me Wrong I Love bright colors,, I love bold Colors, But theirs something about soft, Colors that makes me feel peace, And Comfort !! 


Shawl gave it wing's!!!

It made me feel like I was flying.. It gave me power

For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy!!
Psalm 63:7!!   It was Great for Flagging in Worship,  Cause I'm a Flagger  and  It became a flag!!


Colors, I Love Matching them, I Love putting pieces together,  Like a puzzle!!  I had this moment of feeling fierce, Almost like I was part of the wind,  And I was moving where it moved.

I Feel like outfits have power in them, What you wear, You kinda become,  We've all heard the old adage, "You are what you eat."' Well, you might add, 'You are what you wear.

The feeling those clothe give you, Is part of your mood for the day..  Clothes cognition is really about becoming the clothes themselves and having them direct who you are and how you act in the world,"  
  "When we are putting on a suit, we are not only giving impressions to other people, but we are also giving an impression to ourselves. We feel the rich, silk fabric on our arms; that allows us to take on the characteristics of those clothes."

 So, the next time you are searching for something to wear, remember, "the clothes that you wear seep into the fabric" of your psyche 
So why not,  dress the part

I'd like to thank Elizabeth my dear sister, for the Material, It's just lovely.
I  might be doing these monthly!!  let me know in the Comments, Below!!! Ideas are always welcomed!!! (:


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