Let's talk! Before the Mentel breakdown

Let's talk! Before the Mentel breakdown!!

Mental health, our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia  are all included in Mental health! plus so many more disorder's it Create's, It' doesn't stop at depression, anxiety, And that is why we need to talk about it, and find those we can truly open up to, when dealing with it. It's not a little matter but a number one killer I'd say.

 So what is Anxity, and how is it a Disorder?

Anxiety is a group of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear, where anxiety is a worry about future events, and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a racing heart and shakiness.

1. anyone who say's Anxiety is normal is -Right,  But it's normal in the since, Yes, Everyone has those feeling's at some point in life.

But a Anxiety Disorder, Is not normal.

  Disorder means, derangement or abnormality of function;
 So anything with, Disorder, Is not normal. Note;Anxiety Disorder, Mean's your Constantly dwelling on those feelings.  We were never  made to Constantly dwell, on a feeling.

In one study, 85 percent of those with major depression were also diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder while 35 percent had symptoms of a panic disorder. Other anxiety disorders include obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder -P-T-S-D.


  • Feeling of Hopelessness or Helplessness
  • Overwhelming and Uncontrollable Negative Thoughts
  • Loss of Appetite or Significant Increase in Appetite
  • Increase in Irritability, Aggression or Anger
  • Increase in Alcohol Consumption and/or Reckless Behavior
  • Thoughts That Your Life is not Worth Living
  •  Depression say's you don't matter, Your not Loved, No one would care if you died.
  •  Depression, Tells you it's ok, to take your own life, And it's your Right, That your in a fight that only can be won by Death!
  • It says, there's no way out, And takes the way out away. 

          We need to talk about these thing's more, We could save a life, take note, When you see someone struggling with these things, Stay updated with them, It will be hard, But Love Cast's out all fear!!

           And if you are dealing with these things.,  you are Loved, You are needed , You are wanted, You are not alone, You are valued, You are accepted, You are more, Then what you've been through, You are more then what you say you are, Or who people have told you, you are. 

          You, are
          you. The world needs you, No one can fill your spot in life, Only you can..  You matter, You are worth so much,

          Yes,  Dear

           I Would miss you if you left Earth. And I don't even know you <3  Stay Strong, Loves!!

          If you are dealing with this, And need someone to talk to, Who understands, You can Email me at
          Marybelle96@gmail.com.. Your not alone



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