Does god judge your tithe.
I've never tithed. So I come from a church that tells us we're roping from God if we don't? I Started cleaning my sister's house, to make some income, and yes, Tithe. As you can imagine the feeling it gave me to think. Is this much, good enough? Am i roping God still. ( Note, You are not Roping from God by not giving to a church??) By making it a rule to give. We defeat the purpose of giving. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or (U nder compulsion) for God loves a cheerful giver. the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint: "the payment was made under compulsion. By making it a rule, We are forcing it.... We have made it a law. Where It's not a law. Yes!!! Give, Give, then Give some more.. Cheerfully!!! God want's us, More then what's in our wallet, We are Worth more then mo...