
Showing posts from March, 2016

Does god judge your tithe.

I've never tithed.     So I come from a church that tells us we're roping from God if we don't? I Started cleaning my sister's house, to make some income, and yes, Tithe. As you can imagine the feeling  it gave me to think. Is this much, good enough? Am i roping God still. ( Note, You are  not Roping from God by not giving to a church??) By making  it a rule to give. We defeat the purpose of giving.    2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or (U nder compulsion) for God loves a cheerful giver. the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint: "the payment was made under compulsion. By making it a rule, We are forcing it....    We have  made it a law. Where It's not a law. Yes!!! Give, Give, then Give some more.. Cheerfully!!! God want's us, More then what's in our wallet, We are Worth more then mo...

A Deeper calling/ Kept safe!!

    What is the True meaning of  'deep'  As I was standing there looking into the water as the sun glided over it.. I Thought to myself, What does it mean to be in a Deep, phase of life. The Bible say's.   When you go through deep waters,      I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty,      you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression,      you will not be burned up;      the flames will not consume you.   Isaiah 43:2 ''Deep means'' Very intense or extreme. When I think of the Word Deep.  I think of the moment in our life, Where we're in the valley, When we're being tested, and tempted.  I also think of the Deep Love that Christ has for us!! That when we are put in a scary situation, He's there and protects us, and keeps us safe from harm.  Just like that Verse says, He will be with you, a...

Into Our Secret place''

You ever have that one moment everything seems to black out can't find the light but you know everything is going too be ok... That's our Secret place''  with the lord, It isn't always light,,  Every moment is not Joyful. We are made to be able to live on the Mountaintop, But in the Valley as well!  Yes I believe in being on the Mountaintop with Jesus, Singing and dancing ( Having a  burning bush experience ) Ok, But not every  experience  we have with the ( Father, son, And Holy Spirit) Is going to feel Good, (Not in every moment, Is it all  fun, and games) And put's  us on a  Spiritual high.  A lot of Things God call's us to do. We don't want to, It's uncomfortable, And its ok to admit that. in-fact its Healthy. Its even healthy to go through the valley ( It's necessary too. We can't only live on the Mountaintop? In the Secret place with God he will take us to the mountaintop and the valley!! ...