''My side'' Be a Team be a light!!

As I Stood there, Heart pounding once again Ready to Flee, I heard three Word's the Lord Spoke to me in that moment, Be still/wait. Not what anyone want's to Hear. Yes. I was facing a decision.to Leave or stay at  my Home Church once again.  easy was never the way I went,   God didn't choose easy for me..
As a lot Choose to Flee the moment a Church show's enough flaws.... I've gone through ten church's in my lifetime, One had Drinking in the playground, As where us kids played and had Sunday School assuming that was just fine Behavior. we left... ( I will add year's later I would bring wine to my Small Group).. The Church is a body of Everyday people who are as flawed as they come it's not perfect people sitting on Sunday morning. But 'Broken people'' Regardless they show it or not ---- Expecting perfect out of a Church--- Is like expecting God to Answer us how we want??   I'd Dare  to say it's as Crappy as a sin. Perhaps just living in a False Gospel. living in Pride
 Romans 3:23 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God  (He said all) not some,  not just one. but the whole Congregation. We go Wrong when we Expect something out of a Church/People/Family I have Hemophilic  Cerebral  palsy. Little did I know the church God called me to. The Disabled are as far as  Silenced and the outcast's. No one see's them  for them, Their just  Disabled, They have no say, They are the ''invisible'' I' use to not even talk about this side of me at Church or at Home. Cause if this is me then why do I not fit in the Disabled program's I visit now? Because (Imperfection of people we see different as not Beautiful, we  see them and stay Clear. I've had my moment's of Deeming myself better then them And Honestly I still do) I'M NOT INVOULVED IN PROGRAM'S AS MUCH AS I BELIEVE I COULD HELP IN THAT AREA, WHO AM I TO CHANGE IT,  a Friend had spoken to me and Shared His Compassion/ concern. Over this!! So here I am Writing my View point coming from someone who is Disabled but has a lot of God given knowledge...........  This is a ACROSS THE UNIVERSE problem I'm sure in other state's maybe the DISABLED ARE seen MORE, But it's Pride really, No one want's to look at themselves. (The kindest people in the World, are the DISABLED sense the story of Cain and abel we have hated the (Pure at Heart)  We still are out to kill it in this whole world, We can not stand to see someone be Good, And that's what it comes down to!!!
Why be still and wait? When the situation is discouraging. Because we don't know what God is Doing.. My world Changed at 20  I started informing myself more, Writing more on my Disability, So I can be a Voice
for those who can't, I do Spoken Word, and have wrote on this Subject I   encourage. everyone be a light!! Try to put yourself in our shoes. We don't know each other's Struggles. And we don't understand and that's fine stop being afraid and not knowing what to say ( Get out of your comfort zone.... If you want to be in a Ministry. Start here. No it's not out of State it's all Around you, in your Backyard. Family .Church And community
------ I feel a leading to help other's know but I can't do that alone, It take's  a team willing  not just to help the Disabled, but let us help you....Because for  year's we  have been put aside by the pride and hate..... and it needs to end no one should live Invisable  <3 <3 <3


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