Here to Dwell now let's Get real ,,

So at my Home Group Lately, The Leader has been Bringing up a lot of Hard hitting subject's, You know that /anxious / Feeling/ Sitting on the edge of  your Seat can't stay still Hearing what you hear,

 will Last night I found myself in that very State, 

Where everything felt so Similar, And your wishing you where a closed book' 'now, But your an open one, and not only that, There's pop up Picture's Of all your Failing moment's

 Is this for real?

First imagine a Dark Room, The Light's are off, You can't see anyone. The light's turn back on,,   Now Open your Eye's , It's a surprise party. there's balloon's everywhere, Music is playing. very loudly...Oh and you weren't invited two it.

 but  you dressed up very nicely go  to the door/ Knocks and someone, open's it  ?  With a very Unpleasant 
 Hay. What bring's you here?? .   
It's Uneasy,  And your  Totally Misplaced, And you came all this way, Not Aware of your, Misunderstanding......   We can all Relate  Somewhat...Now let's   ask Our self, And Dig deep    Would we Invite Jesus?  I heard my college pastor ask this? And I've Course. The I definitely would ego. Had me...

And No......Sorry

 I wouldn't. have  invited Jesus??  I would've Failed at being His Follower, I'd be one of the one's throwing a stone at the prostitute,,,

  Maybe your in a place you think you'd do the opposite,  Maybe you have no idea,   That's ok.......   But ''' We should Dwell on the Idea''' Cause  '''Jesus  had 12 Follower's'' He Lived as a poor Man, He  did Wonder's and people still didn't Follow this Man, and lay Down their lives. And their was a lot more people, Not for Him, Then was Following him, And even to this day,  Also we kinda Killed him?

Let's get Unstuck, And pray, Ask ourself.and Dwell

1' Do we have a ego Problem,  ?

2, Do we like .admitting Failure,  ? 



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