Do's and Don't's of summer fun!!!

Recently my Youth group had a pool party, A year or two ago I would be completely fine, And my Spirit un-effacted with the facts of such harmless fun? But the question that keeps Reappearing to me is " Why would you want to see your brothers and sisters in Swimwear? How does this relate on  what we teach on Purity and Temptation?

I give you Complete permission if this at all starts sounding Legalistic to reach through the screen, and Smack me!!  One, We teach on Purity, At these church events, Then we have pool party's on the side (Aka half naked, In water with your brother/sister in Christ)

We teach on temptation, And we oftin play with temptation?  Its tempting for both genders
Don't get me wrong, I've endured swimming in a pool, At a pastor's house, For a BBQ (Might I add, God saved me at that one) I was in a pool but no other adults were in it!! So i'm using the Pool thing as a example here.

 We teach, Modesty? We teach purity? We teach on Lust? And temptation?  And then we so often Showcase the tempting area's in life!! We say one thing, But do the next, We're of Course going to be tempted in life, Even on Gods ground, Why wouldn't we? But it's like we almost help the Tempter out in Tempting us?

We're be tempted to show off our Bodies, At Church, Youth groups, Small groups, Of course
Because the Devil wants us to fall?  It's not that we have pool Party's? As much as our minds wonder, And yeah, We're Human, It's not that we wear bathing suits, even? It's that when we wear those bathing suits, Our minds Are far from staying modest or purity, Its hot, And the water is cold, Why not put that bathing suit on and jump in? It's Harmless, Right!!

Outwardly it looks Harmless, Innwardly, It's a test, We test our faith, Our Beliefs Even Purity code,  And if our faith is strong we can Easily get through it, Without it being Harmful to our Spirit.

I didn't say all this to add it's Wrong or something, I didn't say all this to Condemn you, I said all this to Bring it to Light, Cause it is hard, And can very much so be Harmful!!!

 He seeks to Devour....To be honest it isn't about pool party's with fellow brothers, some it doesn't even effect, Or tempt, It's about being aware, Not to show off in that new bathing suits, Because that  it can be harmful, Not physically, But emotionally, And mentally. Just be careful, And stay aware

Especially if your  a Youth leader, Or pastor hosting ,Some, Summer fun!!  Make sure, Girl's wear one pieces! And guy's don't get away being alone in a pool with a girl, It's ok to have these Events if your mindful, and aware...


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