The Testimony of the Spinning Flag..

Just screamed GO TO HELL to the enemy 3 times. .shaking in the Car, when I got home... So if that doesn't make the enemy Flee idk what will.

Tonight was Good, I will not let myself have a Negative Attitude.. because of this...... Because I know it is only by this I am Stronger, And I am the Godly woman I am <3 And for that, I will say thank you God... For my Vertigo and Cerebral Palsy.

Testimony time (: When this started happening 4/5 year's back.........I Can see now; I was CARELESS i didn't care for myself.. or what could happen to me. I Laughed about it, Joked about it, FOR A WHILE I was loosing more and more VALUE FOR who i am, I was believing less of WHAT GOD SAY'S ABOUT ME, I WAS BELIEVING LESS OF GOD HIMSELF.... I Lost hope, it became Overtaking, I stopped letting God overtake it, I I stopped wanting more of his Spirit /; I became Dry on all Level's. spiritually, emotionally physically ?: .. Tho I Still went to church, and my meeting's.....
I started hating going to Church.... I became more Self-conscious.. For as long as I can Remember I've had thoughts of suicide and depression, it all started coming back...... I've Hated who I was...... Before almost every meeting I would tell myself how Ugly i WAS and how no one wanted to be around me...... How much God hated me, Cause he made me the way I am!!! I believed he must have.... I became more Wishy, washy, with God.... In my Heart. I would still say; How is he real, ?? Though I Worshiped this God. I didn't feel Close to him, I would say to myself... His Love, is odd, It's Creepy for someone to be so close, and yet not see him....How can he be so close..... I would say' I don't want him to be that close,,,
I Worshiped.. And sometimes it felt like Worshiping a song to me.. And singing just to sing )))):;

Then he Brought me to this Church... My mom went to it, So automatically I didn't want to be there... I found it, Crazy....

Not only that, Everyone was so Joyful, and they Loved me?? Though I felt Loved in my Church, and Welcomed (:
Not like this!! it was overwhelming <3

Everyone there was dancing with Flag's......And it made me hate it more, To be honest...Hah everyone there was super peaceful and it started making me want that kind of Peace. I did not understand why I Kept going back at the time!!! I just did.. At first I felt like I had to... Home was feeling less like home. It was small and I couldn't bare the Suffocating feeling.. We lived in 4oo square feet at the time.. mom, Myself and dad....... My dad was sick, And was becoming more sick.... I Started to feel more angry with God.. Walking into my mom's Church made me feel less a Christen, Cause everyone was always so happy and Joyful, And

Then God put a Flag in my Mom's hand!!!! And I Watched as Spinning Color's....Changed my life... I Soon started using them as well!! And I Fell in Love with God in a deeper way <3

He has moved me to do thing's, I thought Impossible.

As he Spines me around in Worship. He has, And is still Spinning my life around, HE IS, AND HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!

So thank you every one who has been, And is in my life. I love you!!! Also to These Incredible churches..... God has used
Foothills Christian Church Lamplighter Revival Center


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