''Your Worth it''

I Want to have Faith like a Child
 again. I Want to run free with the wind.
 I Want to Seek more then just Believe.
 I Know I'm not were I was.
This is not me. But the Mask
that took over me! I'm Coved in Greed with the lies I precede, receive.
I've Fallen from Grace, I've Forsaken my Faith.
 And In a way you have to..
How can he take us as we are
 if we are not doing what  we are called to do.
 Cause Faith comes by hearing the Words of Christ.

 Not just taking half of the bible and reading it twice!!!
 ''You are Worth it''

We precede what we know. But do we know it right..
 Cause our mind is not the mind of Christ..
so take your wife, And your money and go live your life for Christ!!
But take your money, Lies, lust,
and greed.  Base your life on that and your a man after this World.
 Not covered by the blood of the lamb.
 Not standing for the word of the Great I AM.. So go on live your life,
But I'm not going to say your doing fine. I'm not going to put It all on a single line for you.  I'm not going to say I Remember what I don't. Like I remember the day he died for us, and took all of our Pain. I Don't remember, But I Heard. I Listened to every word.
 But instead of reading the Bible we're making up our own book..
We're defeated by the enemy. We're enslaved by the World!

  So go on live your life but Remember what you Heard!!! And maybe one day you'll be back again.
 Back to where you were when you Frist met him!!
Back to the day you were SAVED, Back to the day you felt FREE.
 When you forgot the World that RUINED You!! And the only thing that mattered was HE LOVED YOU!!

 And you are PERFECT, HE CREATED YOU!! You are Worth it. You were  Worth every drop of blood. You were  Worth every Neil that drug in to his body,  You were Worth the crown of thorns he wore on his head. You were Worth every breath.
And the last words he said.
You were, And are still Worth it!!!

I wrote this about a month ago just to let everyone know who has ever struggled with the Feeling of not being ''Worth it. You are we have all been there... We are so Worth it and never forget that you are Worth it!! (:


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