''Blessing in diguise''

What is a Blessing, What does it mean to be blessed? I've been told your only Blessed if your blessed financially a big critic of ours would be my Cray, cray grandmother!! Most of you may not know this but she is part of the witness lee Oh yes a cult and my Mom and dad came out of it( With some of my other siblings) 

So.. Yeah I've been confused Spirituality and to a degree still am. I've asked so many people about things they don't have a answer for. I've been asked things I don't have a answer for...So not a know it all..

I may not be the bast person when it comes to asking things.. But get to know me.. And I will try my hardest to answer them (; God may not answer a prayer right away doesn't make him any less of a God.

God's answer might be a No not a YES... If God gave you the answer  NO it's just as much of a blessing as it would be if it was a YES because God does not have to answer us he wants too. But we can not see that N.O as a blessing if we wanted God to Answer us with a Y. E. S because it was not the answer we wanted God is not going to answer us how we want him to..

Just getting God's response is a Blessing!!  Maybe God's going to send you to a place where you have nothing. Maybe everything you have is going to be taken away.. He let it happen to job..  Job; a  man that  was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and turned away from evil.. We may not see what happened to Job as a blessing because everything he had got taken from him but you know what...There's going to be times in our lives. The biggest Blessing will hurt the most.. 

...And that is the Blessing in disguise. Maybe it hurts to see it. Maybe a Loved one died in your life, And got you to open your eye's and now you can see clearly!! Believe me. I probably know just how you feel... Do me a fave and Open up, Go outside and let the Sun, shine on your face

open the door tell me what you see, What you hear, What you smell, What you feel inside he's by your side
Don't worry or run and hide.. Don't deny the beauty that lay's and await's for you Something Beautifull is here; Let me know you care. Be compassionate show empathy. Let me hear you speak, Touch what you feel. Want to know what's real, and everything you feel..to let you know I stall care! If love is a dove let it fly high. Let it fly Across the sky where you and I colide
and see thhe Blassinng in  disguise!! !!

I live in 400 Square feet with my Mom, Dad, My room let's just say my dad lives's in it .. Yes it hurts to be where I am right now..Yes I can't seem to keep anything in order. And i really wish it was always clean... B! I Do Sunshine club Every Monday at 4;00 and after that my dad does a bible study at 6;00. And no I am not perfect there has been so many time's I've been like I can not do Sunshine club anymore.
But those kids in my neighborhood  need me! It's almost been a year when God first called me to do this Sunshine club I was like. God how can I!! I'm 16 I don't enjoy Speaking(Slow to speak,slow to breath ) and.I Don't have what I need for a sunshine club. So use the person next to me I look around me noone. Not one person. Then I hear a voice IT'S YOU I WANT TO START REVIVAL HERE!! I could do two thing's now act like I did not hear that still small voice or get over myself and do what God wanted and not what I want


 So at 17 year's old by me doing a sunshine club. God has Blessed this place so much and I'm seeing people wantting to know God more... kids who's life is crazy, Fighting all the time, Who's mom layed up and dad left a long time ago..And maybe there life is not peacefull at all. You just have to see thing's through the eye's of a child. Now there's peace,  It's been a huge journey and God's never done!

This is our Blessing. Infact we live it out day by day and each person our lives touch we can Bless them.
We we'll never have every answer for life doesn't mean we can't be at peace, So refreash yourself find rest. Be Joyful just knowing that every Blessing HE poured out on us is on us for a reason. So turn it back to praise!!!

If you have ANY problem Need Solving Love to help you

Go to Marybelle96@gmail.com Would Love to hear from you.


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