'Meant to Speak/Vision for Living''

There's a lot of people asking the question, " it meant to be? Whether, it be graduating from High School, or taking on another year of High School. Whether it's starting a new job, or ending an old one! Or being a great missionary traveling across the country and oceans. Big or small we all have to ask GOD "is this meant to be"? Maybe it's a relationship or just a friendship. It could be starting a family, or organizing our life. We're stuck in time, we can't just run and hide. We must start our lives, start living it right, we have all messed up. But are we going to let that "mess up", mess the rest of our lives up? It's time to wake up, speak up! GOD does not want a silent nation, but a nation longing to know him more. Longing for the desires of HIS heart. A nation not afraid to speak up. This is one nation under GOD a nation meant to speak! Just one word, CAN change a life.  It is not us who are speaking, GOD is speaking through us. It is CHRIST in us, and if GOD is for us, who can be against us. We have the power, we need to use it. We were made with a plan and a purpose.We have the authority of CHRIST!  If we want to use it, if we really want to make a DIFFERENCE we need to ask, get down on our knees and pray, to GOD our FATHER, and truly ask HIM! I'm not saying, just ask to get an answer! I really feel like we need to get out of the mind set of "if I just ask, I'll get what I want"! Let's not lie, we are all selfish. But to get anywhere in life, we have to put our self behind  us..James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures! So what moves us? What's leading us to do what we do, speak what we speak? WHAT'S OUR MOTIVES?
I see the world it is motionless, people are still, there is silence everywhere. No one knows how to talk. No one knows the truth anymore, it is far from us. The world is cold there is no love, no compassion, we forgot, that HE is coming, still, HE is in the center of the universe! There are people laying on the floor all around HIM, still, broken, crying,weeping. Not being able to speak. But HE is in the center standing in authority, reaching out to us saying speak, Ask, Trust, Have Faith, Hope, Love.


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