God's Promise and Answers In TrialsTrust/Wait!!!

We may not have all the answers in life. But we have Christ and He is the only answer we need! And as time goes by God will promise us more and more things to give us a hope and a future. In time God will clarify them to us. But we keep looking for the answer that God has yet not clarified for a reason!! We have the Bible (GODS WORD).
We can run to it and find peace!
All of the answers we will ever need in life are in the Bible. That is why it is there to help us grasp onto the words God is saying to us. The promise He made to us! God doesn't come in a loud voice at times but a quite one; He comes to us softly and sweetly. And it may not be clear to us what he is saying but by trusting in His word and waiting! For there's a time for everything. And in time we will see, but now may not be that time all we can do is trust and wait on the Lord... His plans are to prosper us and not to harm us!
We will have hard times. But we don't have to let that change our minds about who God is and what he promised to us. We will change, our whole world will change, but God will not change. He will always remain never to leave or forsake us! These are the promises He made us when He gave His Son up for us. It was the promise of new life for us and we can rejoice in our sufferings because in the end we are up in heaven with Him and there will be no sin to separate us from His love. Even in hard times God is still with us giving us hope for the future. We have so many questions and God loves to answer them!!! But we must be patient and trust in Him that if it is OF GOD, IT WILL BE IN GOD'S WILL FOR US! We can't make God do anything! All we can do is surrender everything to Him and trust Him. That He is doing something we may not be able to see it... But He is always up to something always at work. Though we face trials of many God is still good. And His promise for us is so much more then this. As believers in Jesus Christ, we can trust our Savior and turn to Him in hard times. God cares for us and He is sovereign. His Holy Word is sure and his promises are true.
Isaiah 41:10so do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
But the LORD is our strength and our shield; our heart trusts in Him, and we are helped. Our heart leaps for joy and we will give thanks to Him in song!
Just trust in Him and all things will fall in place! We don't have to have an answer right away because whatsoever God has for us in life, well be ours. And if God did not put it in His will for us, it will not be there and if it was then it will be so.
God only knows--
And He is the Answer, the redeemer! 


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