. Starting A Blog is not what i would normally do. but maybe it will help me. I'm known for making Changes in my life. and this is one of them. I like writing to. so who knows maybe i'll ENJOY it. hahaha
I'm on med's and I Realized something while talking to my mom How often do we want a exit the Ugly? Like me i want a job but i wanna exit from wanting one and not being able to have one and in this world it can be so easy to take something to dumb that down even if not really needed I Don't need med's to sleep at night, But it's much easier to get to sleep if your on some Med's ( Escape from reality) if needed med's are a good thing if not needed it's a fine thing to do, take something cause reality can be a ugly thing, My dad has to do it Due to his Weak Heart it's Working, it's helping might be a little annoying but Reality can be annoying too, Ugly and Annoying............................
He keep's calling his children to the throne. He's saying come home. If you would only answer your phone. You would hear these words. Children come home!!! You are not alone. I am here.... Your Savior, your Protector, your Comforter. ... I am your Abba Father!!! I will never leave or forsake you. My word stands true. In this world you may have tribulation But be of good cheer I have overcome the world.. My children I hold so dear....... answer your phone. So you can have that connection you're searching for. The time is near.... It's time to connect...... Please don't cut me off.... The light your searching for, is Me. The love you need, also Me.. Please don’t fight these hands that are holding you My hands are holding you. And will never let go..... answer your phone!!! And you can have a connection with Me. Your Abba Father.. Guaranteed you will have new life with Me... Just answer your phone!!!
I was on looking into my Disability since I didn't look at it most of my Teenage days, So I Created a support group online, for understanding more and connecting with those more like me, little did I know I'd be learning just how easy online dating can be done even five Million feet apart,and just on a FB PM, While not understanding the switch, nor Guidelines of Creating a online support group, I Ended up in countless hour's with someone five million feet apart. 3. Top guidelines of Creating a Support Group online, 1. P ersistence in posting, With Encouragement and uplifting, be kind. 2, Safety in Connection and Communicating. 3. knowing your proficy setting's, And Resetting it as often as something seems Un-correct. It's very important to understand Limits, and not live limitless' Limit's of the online world, Limit's of how far to go in a Relationship, or just telling the one you li...
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