
Showing posts from July, 2020

New Horizen''Regreting , Re-Creating Response!!

Before I Write I Wanna say Sorry to All who like me who are Disabled To me Disability was just  a Flaw we have, Just a Mistake,  Just a Failure in God's Handiwork wasn't Anything that Could be Used for Good, But I've had some Hard thinking, Some may  put it Wake up Call's and the only Word that Comes to Mind now is 'Strong, Able,  Strength, Love, Brave,  I Was  one who put Disabled people Down just as those who put me down in High school, I Became one And I Had too see that ugliness in me At 21, 21 year's of that Ugly Mindset, Our Mindset is power to All Reading, The Mind I Believe is where it all Start's Hah, I Don't want that Taking over Anymore,   And I want us all to have that Right mindset. Looking back on my Life I Only Regret How I Responded.  I'm Mild,C-p, Ataxia, Type, Also little Autism is there I Don't Wanna Continue  not being Willing to look at Fact's, I Was Unwilling to look into my Disability's till after I Had a

speak without FEAR!!!!


No Understanding ,No Calmness, Nothing left to Control, Messy War!!

Right here in this Season Calmness is Everything, Staying Calm,Cool and Colactive but Why in this Season Does it  Feel Harder, More TESTING MORE TRYING.  Here's Where we Learn, When it's Hard, Hot, Heavy,  And Yes, Messy, When Nothing you say Sound's Good. Don't let it Control you, This Season is a, Lack of Understanding Season a Lack of us being Able to Control life, It's a Messy War!! If your a Control Person you Get what I'm saying, The Thing's you Use to Pull off, No Longer Work's, When you use to be Able to Control your Dog going out the Door, And now you Just sit back,let it go, Cause you don't Care and you Don't feel like you have the time to CARE anymore, As you Hold your Little Girl yet she Continues Crying And Fanilly all the Milk spill's Over, And You just don't Feel like Cleaning any of it up. And that's Where we all Need to be to get over this a little Less Focused on Keeping thing's  all Good, It's ok not to