
Showing posts from December, 2019

What the Heart Want's, And the mind of Arrogant's

I Had to sit down and Write about it, Knowing if I don't  it's FB. Complaining Season, I'm sure a lot of us do that. When we see no-one   want's to Hear us Complain  24/7 it's fine for a Season. But Season's Change, So I  think that Ship has Sailed!!      I have a New Year's Fight in me, To Continue my Writing even while, I'm not  sure what do   anymore, a Fight to Continue living We all have to Decide What Mood we are gonna go with or we will  Ruin who we are. I recently Came to Realizing I was up against something  my Heart Wanted but my Mind didn't want  .… And so here I am Writing it out, And I Challenge  those Reading this, If your going through something write it out, Blog's are Good, Journals, or just a Coffee Date with a Friend, Even better!!  BE  HONEST  WITH WHO YOU ARE. No one else can we Change,  But us. And sometimes we have to not Listen to our Mind for once.  I was Once a Gi...