
Showing posts from June, 2019

''More then Five Feet Apart''Live' un limitless

I was on looking into my Disability since I didn't look at it most of my Teenage days, So   I Created a support group  online, for understanding more and connecting with those more like me, little did I know I'd be learning just how easy online dating can be done even five Million feet apart,and just on a FB PM, While not understanding the switch, nor Guidelines of Creating a online support group, I Ended up in countless hour's with someone five million feet apart.  3. Top guidelines of Creating a Support Group online,    1. P ersistence in posting, With  Encouragement and uplifting, be kind. 2, Safety in Connection and Communicating. 3. knowing your   proficy setting's,  And Resetting it as often as something seems Un-correct.  It's very important to understand Limits, and not live limitless' Limit's of the online world, Limit's of  how far to go in a Relationship, or just telling the one you li...