
Showing posts from April, 2018

''My side'' Be a Team be a light!!

As I Stood there, Heart pounding once again Ready to Flee, I heard three Word's the Lord Spoke to me in that moment, Be still/wait. Not what anyone want's to Hear. Yes. I was facing a decision .to Leave or stay at  my Home Church once again.  easy was never the way I went,   God didn't choose easy for me.. As a lot Choose to Flee the moment a Church show's enough flaws.... I've gone through ten church's in my lifetime, One had Drinking in the playground, As where us kids played and had Sunday School assuming that was just fine Behavior. we left... ( I will add year's later I would bring wine to my Small Group).. The Church is a body of Everyday people who are as flawed as they come it's not perfect people sitting on Sunday morning. But 'Broken people'' Regardless they show it or not ---- Expecting perfect out of a Church--- Is like expecting God to Answer us how we want??   I'd Dare  to say it's as Crappy as a sin. Perhaps just liv...