Here to Dwell now let's Get real ,,
So at my Home Group Lately, The Leader has been Bringing up a lot of Hard hitting subject's, You know that / anxious / Feeling/ Sitting on the edge of your Seat can't stay still Hearing what you hear, will Last night I found myself in that very State, Where everything felt so Similar, And your wishing you where a closed book' 'now, But your an open one, and not only that, There's pop up Picture's Of all your Failing moment's . Is this for real? First imagine yourself .in a Dark Room, The Light's are off, You can't see anyone. The light's turn back on,, Now Open your Eye's , It's a surprise party . there's balloon's everywhere, Music is playing. very loudly...Oh and you weren't invited two it. but you dressed up very nicely go to the door/ Knocks and someone, open's it ? With a very Unpleasant Hay. What bring's you here?? . ...