
Showing posts from May, 2011

''He's Never Gonna Leave or Forsake us""

Today I was Walking and I saw This Cat Whimpering at me I Walked Away from it and then when I was Done I Walked Back and There the Cat was Sitting on the Ground Waiting for me (:    I Realized How. God Wants Us to be Near Him. and We're just to Caught up with The Things of This World. We Forget About Him and Just Go on with our Lifes ):  But even if we Run Away from Him He'll Always Wait for us He's Never Gonna  Leave or Forsake us.  And Whenever We Find We Have Forsaken Him.  We  Will  be at  the Cross Waiting for him IN TIME .


O.K., so I'm poor, and my parents and I have been homeless. Our homelessness lasted for 1 year. During that time we survived with the help of relatives, motels, ministries and we're  house-sitting. Right now we're paying rent in a  house thats  FOR SALE. I FIND MYSELF WONDERING where we're gonna be living in the next month or two. I mean  after all  these years not once has God  forgot about us.  I JUST NEED TO REMEMBER GODS NOT GONNA FORGET!! Im  thankful that he hasn't yet.. I  Believe That Everything that  happens in my life is there to make me stronger for whats to come. It's Life... you can only learn to dance with it or jump over it. (:

One Sided Girls

Girls are like cats needing somthing to claw their fingernails into. They even have clubs For it , called "cliques."  All I ever wanted was to fit into  the're so called "cliques." Which brings me to this girl I've met. She's not at all mean or anything. It's just that I get the feeling she just feels sorry for me.  And that's the reason why she's ever around me. She's like conscending or something. Like all the girls I've met.  Its always One sided me making the times and dates Never both. I realize it's not my problem. It's the girls I hang out with.

Realizing Who i am

Today, while I was helping in Sunday School a little kid came up to me and said "why do you talk so wierd"? Basically, I just ignored the situation, hoping it wouldn't come up again. Then  another kid asked me "Why do you speak  so wierd"? So yet again the s ituation came up. Thinking what I could possibly say, I finally came up with just the right thing to say. This is what I said;  "God Makes Everyone Different, Not One Is The Same."  On the way home I realized that "I've Never Really Accepted Who I Am." All the kids I've met in my lifetime with a disability like me are all the people I was just plain out mean to. Which brings me to a boy in my old apartment who always wanted to hang out with me. He was always doped up with pills because  of his  Autism . I always made up an excuse not to hang out with him and make  mean things to say about h...