
Showing posts from March, 2020

His Commandment.Our Mission!!

No amount of Voting is gonna change it for the Disabled community, I'm full of Passion to Change  it there, But who's with me in this Society We talk about saving those in other Nations? Saving those in Slavery, While you shut us up? The Rate of those who are Disabled Believing Jesus is Just as Low, We are Preaching Healing, But Jesus Healed Differently when He was alive.. He could touch the Eyes of the Blind Man The Disabled could Reach out and Really  Touch the Hem of His Garment,, Really,,Not by just having to Believe, Because we can't see him, And there's not one Deep,In this Land Face to Face contact,With the Great I AM, He can not Heal how it was then? HE WILL NOT. How dare we Turn HIS Honey into Spice on a Wound, FOR those like me, But cannot Speak what I Can, Forgive me if this is to Deep? I'm not Trying to Get a Grand applause I Don't want those Disabled people, After Me, To live in a World so Cold and Judgmental to them, Who ARE WE, TO NOT ...