Get rid of the worlds label for you!!
What if i told you, You could change so much in a year!! evil communications really does corrupt good manners.. And you have to decide what way is the way of the Wise. And what ways the Fools takes...Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.. You mustn't be afraid of Pointing people out and telling them they're acting foolish WHEN THEY ARE!!! 1. A area we lack integrity... completeness: the state of being complete or undivided wholeness: the state of being sound or undamaged. 95% of us if not 100% are Damaged souls. If we did not lack here. No one would act Foolish and the rate on Sin in the world Would go down. But this is not the case.. We are told to Suck it up, To join in the act ,To accept the world for how it is.. So up to like 100% It goes. And we no longer have our own Identity but what the World labels us! Like. You are gay if you dress a certain way!! Or you are lesbian.. Cause you don't act like e...