Heart of Gratitude and a thankful soul.

Christmas isn't about the gifts. It's about the birth of Jesus Christ! Sitting by the fireplace telling stories of long ago, teaching your little ones the true meaning of Christmas! My parents didn't have much, but they did the best with what they had. Never failing to teach us of our Lord Jesus, Beloved Savior. Christmas doesn't come in a box wrapped in pretty paper and bows. Christmas comes in the shape of a heart, the heart of Jesus! He is.... the true meaning of Christmas. It's the story of the One who gave it all....to give us life. The One who did what no one else could do. The Greatest Gift you'll ever receive, is the gift of Life! Let us not forget the Baby in the manger, our Lord Jesus, who would soon save us all. The Saviour of the world, Who came on that day for all sinners. He took all our pain, the only sinless Man would soon pay the cost for us all. Jesus came, Jesus lived, Jesus died, for us. Yeah...